Route Editor Guide – Open and Manage Planned Routes

The Route Editor is your primary tool for opening, tracking, and managing individual planned routes in the Route4Me business routing software. Any changes you make in the Route Editor are automatically synchronized with the Mobile Driver App, and any User activity on the Web Platform or app can be tracked in the Activity Feed. Use this guide to learn how to open and manage last mile routes, check route metrics and KPIs, modify optimization settings, track route progress in real-time, and more.

Open, view, and manage planned last-mile routes, track stop and route statuses, route progress, and drivers in real-time using Route4Me's Route Editor.



Route Editor Overview – Open And Manage Routes In The Route Editor

To open a planned route in the Route Editor, go to your Routes Page or Routes Map from the Navigation Menu. Then, right-click a route or click the Arrow Icon next to “Open Route” and select “Edit Route” from the menu.

Open Your Route4Me Routes Page

Opening planned last-mile routes in the Route Editor from Route4Me's Routes List and Routes Map.


Route4Me’s Route Editor includes the following main sections:

  1. Route Settings Toolbar at the top, where you can change route and optimization settings, assign drivers, assign vehicles, dispatch route notifications, etc.
  2. Destinations List on the left, where you can open and manage all Destinations on the route.
  3. Interactive Map in the middle, where you can view and track a route, enable additional map overlays, see summarized route data in the Summary Table, etc.
    NOTE: Click the Gear Icon to open map settings. Select road or satellite “Map Type“, enable “Map Layers” such as a live traffic overlay, Avoidance Zones, Territories, last synched Vehicle and User location, route directions, Geofences, and ETAs.
  4. Route Dashboard on the right, where you can check route activity, metrics, progress, KPIs, vehicle utilization, etc.
    NOTE: The Route Dashboard is closed by default. Click the Divider Button to open or close the Dashboard.

Route4Me's Route Editor consists of the stops list, interactive route map, toolbar with route and optimization settings, route dashboard, and activity feed.


Route Settings – Edit, Update, Re-Optimize, Reschedule Routes And More

The Route Editor Toolbar enables you to check the route’s current status and make quick route updates. Specifically, you can reschedule the route, assign a user, assign a vehicle, and dispatch route notifications. To change the route’s status, scheduled date, assigned user or vehicle, or to dispatch notifications, simply click the respective button.

Route Editor Toolbar Settings: dispatch route, assign vehicle and driver, reverse, re-optimize, and reschedule route, insert stops into route, and more.


Additionally, you can access the Route Settings panel from the Top Menu Bar. To do so, click “Edit” and select “Open Route Settings“. There, you can adjust the route’s settings to your liking and click the “Save” button to save your changes.

In the “General” section, you’ll find the following settings:

Route Editor Route Settings: assign driver and vehicle to route, reschedule, dispatch, and re-optimize route, update directions, and more.

Route NameThe name, or alias, of the planned route. You can use the Route Name to easily find and identify the planned route.
Assign User And VehicleAssign a driver and assign a Vehicle to the route. You can click the “Manage Users” and “Manage Vehicles” buttons to access your Users and Vehicles pages respectively.


The “Schedule” section is where you can adjust a route’s scheduled start date, start time, and Service Time settings. Additionally, you can use the “Override service time” toggle to enter a new Service Time for all Destinations on the route. Learn more in the table below:

The 'Schedule' section is where you can adjust a route's scheduled start date, start time, and Service Time settings.

Start Time
Route Start DateDefine the date on which the route will start.
Route Start TimeDefine at what time on the Route Start Date the route will start.
Service Time
Override service timeThis option enables you to set a time in the “Service Time” field which will be applied to all route Destinations, replacing any existing Service Time durations with the one you enter.
Service TimeThe time needed to complete a Destination or Customer Order.


In the “Optimization” section, you can adjust route settings such as the travel mode, final Destination type, Traffic Slowdown and Service Time Slowdown, etc. You can also click “Go to Optimization Settings” to adjust the detailed route optimization parameters. Learn more in the table below:

In the 'Optimization' section, you can adjust route settings such as the travel mode, final Destination type, Traffic Slowdown and Service Time Slowdown, etc.

Enable Optimization
Optimize Route(s)This option enables the system to optimize routes by computing the most optimal Destination sequence and travel directions according to your settings. NOTE: Optimization is enabled by default. When disabled, the software will only plan directions.
Go to Optimization SettingsClick this link to edit the same route optimization settings you can adjust when you plan a route.
Navigate ByChoose whether the route is calculated by “Time” or “Current Time With Traffic“.
Travel ModeChoose the mode of transport (Driving, Walking, Bicycling) that will be use to complete the route to optimize route directions accordingly. NOTE: Driving is the default travel mode.
Round Trip (Final Destination Type)
End route at any addressRoute4Me will optimize the most efficient Destination sequence and end the route at the best possible Destination.
End route at departure address (Round Trip)Route4Me will optimize the Destination sequence to create the most optimal route that starts and ends at the departure address.
End route at last addressRoute4Me will optimize the Destination sequence to create the most optimal route that ends at the last address you added.
Service Time SlowdownAdd a Service Time Slowdown to account for service delays and unforeseen circumstances.
Travel Time SlowdownAdd a Traffic Slowdown to account for delays, heavy traffic, and unforeseen circumstances.


With the settings in the “Restrictions” section, you can add or change route path restrictions. For example, you can make the route optimization algorithm avoid left turns, avoid no-go areas you’ve set in your account, etc. Learn more about restrictions and avoidance settings in the table below:

With the settings in the 'Restrictions' section, you can add or change route path restrictions.

Highways and Tolls
Avoid HighwaysEnable this option to optimize route directions to avoid highways where possible.
Avoid TollsEnable this option to optimize route directions to avoid toll roads where possible.
Turn Avoidance
Allow left and right turnsThis is the default behavior of the software. Neither left nor right turns are avoided and routes are optimized normally.
Allow left turnsEnable this option to optimize route directions to avoid right turns where possible. NOTE: Allowing left turns only will optimize a route without right turns.
Allow right turnsEnable this option to optimize route directions to avoid left turns where possible. NOTE: Allowing right turns only will optimize a route without left turns.


You can also insert addresses and Driver Breaks, export route data, and much more by using the Top Menu Bar. See the table below to learn about all available options and what they do.

You can insert addresses and Driver Breaks, export route data, and much more by using the Top Menu Bar.

Share This RouteSend a link to the route by email to other users and sub-users on your account. You can also copy a direct link to the route for sharing through other communication channels.
New RoutePlan a new route.
Duplicate RouteCreate a copy of the route currently open in the Route Editor. The new route will have “(Duplicate)” added to the route name as a suffix. Selecting this option will close the currently open route and open the new duplicate route.
Export RouteDownload route data as a customizable CSV spreadsheet, export route navigation data for GPS devices, download a custom-sized route image, or export Route Notes.
Open Route SettingsOpen the “Route Settings” panel where you can customize route and optimization settings as described above.
Assign UserAssign to the route a User from your team. The assigned User is responsible for completing route and can open, start, and complete the route with the Route4Me Mobile App. This option is also available as a button in the Route Editor Toolbar.
Assign VehicleAssign to the route a Vehicle from your fleet. This option is also available as a button in the Route Editor Toolbar.
Change Start TimeReschedule the route by changing its Start Date and Start Time.
Delete This RouteRemove the route from your account. A deleted route can be restored using the corresponding Account Optimization.
View ManifestOpen the customizable Route Manifest, which provides a detailed overview of your route metrics, order details, required and remaining capacity, driving directions, visitation progress, logistics KPIs, and more.
View On Multiple Routes MapOpen the route in the Routes Map, where you can view and manage multiple routes simultaneously.
Simulation ToolOpen the Automated Route Simulation tool. You can use Route Simulations to get a controlled preview of a planned route, including turns, travel speeds, and more.
Route SummaryShow or hide the Summary Table at the bottom of the Route Editor Map. The Summary Table is a customizable route data table where you can see planned and actual route data.
Insert BreaksAdd customizable Hours of Service Driver Breaks to the route. In detail, you can automatically add breaks with a custom duration after a condition is met. For example, you can add breaks after a certain Travel Time or Service Time duration, after a certain number of Destinations are visited, etc.
Insert AddressInsert an additional customer address into the route as a Destination. You can also do this directly from the map by right-clicking on an address.
Insert Multiple AddressesInsert additional customer addresses into the route as Destinations by entering them manually or selecting them on the map. Route4Me will automatically geocode addresses you insert.
Upload AddressesInsert additional customer addresses into the route as Destinations by uploading a spreadsheet. Route4Me will automatically geocode addresses you upload. Learn more about Route4Me Spreadsheet Formatting.
Re-Optimize This RouteRe-optimize the route to compute the most efficient Destination sequence and directions after making changes to route and optimization settings. If you make changes and don’t re-optimize routes, Route4Me only updates directions to account for changes to Destinations or the route sequence.
Re-Optimize Remaining DestinationsRe-optimize the route to compute the most efficient Destination sequence and directions for remaining unvisited Destinations after the route has been started.
Refresh DirectionsRe-calculate the most optimal travel directions for the route without changing the Destination sequence. This option is similar to re-optimizing the route but maintains the existing Destination sequence.
Reverse RouteReverse the Destination sequence on the route. Select “Reverse Entire Route” to also swap route start and end addresses. Select “Reverse Destinations Only” to maintain the route start. NOTE: For Round-trip Routes, the start and end Destination will always be the same.
Split Into A New RouteSelect Destinations from the current route to be moved into a new route.
Unlink Route From OptimizationUnlink the current route from its associated Optimization. Whenever you plan a route, a new unique Optimization is automatically created and linked to it. Learn more about Optimizations.
DispatchSend automatic customer notifications to all contacts associated with the route about when, where, and how their orders will be completed.


Manage Destinations – Open Destination Info And Edit Destinations

In the Route Editor, you can move Destinations in the route sequence, copy Destinations, delete Destinations, and more. To edit a Destination in the route sequence, simply right-click the Destination in the Destinations List and select an option from the menu. See the available options and what they do in the table below.

You can also click and drag a Destination in the list to the desired sequence, and the route will automatically update. NOTE: After making changes to Destinations or route settings, re-optimize the route to ensure you have the most efficient driving directions.

In the Route Editor, you can move Destinations in the route sequence, copy Destinations, delete Destinations, and more.

Remove AddressRemove the Destination from the route. The next Destination in the sequence will move to the position of the selected and deleted Destination.
Make StartMake the Destination the new route start. The Destination sequence will update accordingly.
Move To Sequence No.Move the Destination to a specific position in the route sequence. The Destination sequence will update accordingly.
Duplicate This DestinationCreate a copy of the Destination at the same address. The new, duplicated Destination shares all the information and attributes of the original Destination.
Copy Details To ClipboardCopy all information and attributes of the Destination. The copied information is the same as the information you can download when you Export Route Data.


To view and edit in-depth Destination information, left-click a Destination in the list or on the map to open its “Destination Info” panel. Fields with no associated information are hidden by default. To see all available fields, click the “Show All” toggle.

To edit or add information for the Destination, simply click a field and input the information you want to add. Learn more about the “Destination Info” fields in the table below:

Opening and managing route stops, checking stop ETAs, editing customer details, order info, Custom Data, and adding notes in Route4Me's Route Editor.

Destination InformationDescription
AliasCustom name or Alias of the Destination. You can use a Destination Alias to easily find the Destination using the search function in different Route4Me interfaces.
AddressStreet address of the Destination. Learn more about Route4Me Geocoding and Address Verification.
Lat & LngRooftop latitude and longitude coordinates of the Destination address.
Destination TypeAction or activity required to complete the Destination visit. Available Destination Types: Delivery, Pickup, Break, Meetup, Service, Visit, Drive By
Tracking NoAutomatically assigned unique Order Tracking Number. Customers can use their Order Tracking Number to track the status of their Order in real-time using Route4Me’s Customer Order Tracking Portal.
Order NoCustom Order Number of the Order at the Destination.
Invoice NoCustom Invoice Number of the Order at the Destination.
Reference NoCustom Reference Number of the Order at the Destination.
RevenueRevenue planned to be generated from completing the Order at the Destination.
Order CostCost of completing the Order at the Destination.
CubeTotal cubic volume amount expected to be delivered at or picked up from the Destination.
PiecesTotal number of units or Pieces expected to be delivered at or picked up from the Destination.
WeightTotal Weight expected to be delivered at or picked up from the Destination.
PriorityVisitation priority of the Destination. The highest stop priority is 1 and the lowest stop priority is 65,535. Accordingly, Destinations with higher priority are visited earlier on the route.
First NameFirst name of the contact person or customer associated with the address or Order.
Last NameLast name of the contact person or customer associated with the address or Order.
EmailEmail address of the contact person or customer associated with the address or Order.
PhonePhone number of the contact person or customer associated with the address or Order.
Customer POPurchase order (PO) of the contact or customer associated with the address or Order.
GroupCustom Address Book Group ID of the Destination address.
Time Windows
Time WindowTime interval when the Destination can be visited and completed. For example, Time Windows can allign with business hours.
Visit Details
Destination StatusCurrent status of the Destination. Available statuses: Pending, Arrived, Done
Planned Visit TimeThe time the Destination is planned to be visited.
Service TimeTime needed to complete a Destination or Customer Order.
Custom Data
Custom DataAdditional custom details and data attached to your Destinations or Orders.
Add Destination NotesClick the Plus Icon (+) to manually add a Note to the Destination directly from the Route Editor.
Destination NotesClick the Arrow Icon (>) to open the Activity Feed where you can view Destination Note updates.


Route Progress – Real-Time Statuses, ETAs And Progress Monitoring

When the assigned User starts the route and completes Destination visits, the route’s progress is automatically updated in the system. You can use the following tools to track route progress in the Route Editor:

  1. Destinations List: you can easily see which destinations are “Done“, “Arrived“, and “Pending” respectively.
  2. Interactive Map: completed Destinations have a different color than pending ones, making it easy to get and overview of route progress at a glance.
  3. Summary Table: the “Progress” data column shows the percentage of completed Destinations.
  4. Route Editor Dashboard: you can see the number of visited and remaining Destinations, late visits, planned route end time, etc.

You can also use the Activity Feed to get a detailed breakdown of all route activity, including progress updates. If you want to track route progress for multiple routes, you can use the Routes List, Routes Map, or the Operations Matrix.

Real-Time route progress tracking in Route Editor: route and stop statuses, stop ETAs and visited timestamps, time on site, planned with completed, and more.


GPS Tracking – Real-Time Driver And Telematics Vehicle Tracking

The Route Editor and Routes Map offer in-depth GPS driver and vehicle tracking on routes. To track the locations of drivers, vehicles, and assets on routes, click the Tracking Button in the top-right of the map and check the “Tracking Path” and “Breadcrumbs” boxes. Learn more about the available tracking options in the table below.

With tracking enabled, you’ll see a tracking path on the map and every location update of the assigned User and Vehicle shown as Breadcrumbs (blue dots). Hover over any Breadcrumb to see the corresponding tracking data of that location update.

Tracking the driver and GPS telematics vehicle assigned to the route in real-time on the Interactive Map in the Route Editor.

Tracking PathThe actual path the user or vehicle travels on the route with travel direction arrows. The Tracking Path corresponds to the tracked GPS route activity of the user or vehicle reported by the Route4Me Mobile App or installed telematics device from a Telematics Vendor.
BreadcrumbsGPS tracking Breadcrumbs are shown at every location where the vehicle or field employee’s coordinates were updated by the Route4Me GPS App or telematics device on a GPS vehicle.
PlaybackEnable the Route Playback player, which you can use to view the recorded route navigation data as a video playback with playback speed controls. Additionally, the Playback player shows the dynamic speed of the vehicle on the route.
ComplianceTrack a driver’s Route Compliance. This option will display the tracking paths and distance for portions of the planned route that were traveled, detours and deviations, and the portions of the planned route that weren’t traveled.
Tracking SourceThe Route4Me Mobile App uses location services to seamlessly synchronize the user’s location data on the route with your Route4Me account. The Mobile App tracking data source is shown as “Route4Me“. Alternatively, you can use a Telematics Integration with a Telematics Provider to track GPS vehicles on the route via installed telematics devices. Tracking data is synchronized with your Route4Me account according to the Vehicle Position Refresh Rate in your telematics settings, and the tracking data source is shown as the name of your Telematics Vendor.


In addition to tracking the location of Users and assets on routes, you can see detailed visit tracking deta. To do so, simply click a Destination to open it’s “Destination Info” panel and go to the “Visit Details” section.

Here, you can see the manually reported visit time and automatically geoefence detected visit time of a completed Destination in the respective fields. Reported times are based on when the assigned User marked the Destination as “Arrived” and “Done” on the Mobile App. Detected times are immutable timestamps based on the detected arrival and departure using Destination Geofencing. Hover over a timestamp in the “Visit Details” section to show the Eye Icon. Click the icon to see detailed “Arrival” and “Departure” tracking data, including exact times and coordinates.

Stop Visit Details in Route Editor show timestamps when the stop was visited and departed, actual time on site, driver location at the time of visit, and more.


Activity Feed – Real-Time Route Events, Activities, Completed Tasks

The Route Editor Activity Feed shows a chronological log of completed activities, tasks, and events on the opened route. To open the Activity Feed, click the Divider Button on the right side of the map and then click the Activity Feed Tab.

In the Activity Feed, you can check when the driver or User assigned to the route visited and left specific Destinations, attached notes and proof of visit, when any User made route updates directly from your trusted route planner software, and more.

Activity Feed in Route Editor shows route events completed in real-time: added and removed stops, assigned driver and vehicle, attached proof of visit and delivery, added stop statuses, and more.


Route Dashboard – Route Totals, Real-Time Progress, KPIs And Vehicle Utilization

The Route Editor Dashboard shows the route’s metrics, real-time route progress, vehicle utilization, and other dynamic route details. Click the Arrow Button to the right of the map. In the Dashboard Tab, you can check the route’s ETAs, stop visitation progress, Time Window adherence, etc. Learn more in the table below:

Route Editor Dashboard shows the route's totals, visited and failed stops, route distance and travel time, predicted finish time, vehicle utilization, and more.

Route StatusCurrent status of the route (also shown in the Route Editor Toolbar).
Route Start TimeShows the planned route start time before the route starts and updates to the actual route start time after.
Predicted End TimeShows the planned route end time before the route starts and updates to the dynamically predicted end time after.
Visited DestinationsShows the number of “Done“, “Failed“, and pending (“New“) destinations according to their current status.
DistanceTotal distance of the route.
Total TimeTotal duration of the route. Click the Down Arrow to break it down by Total Travel Time, Total Visit Duration, Total Wait Time, and Total Break Time.
Route CostTotal cost of completing the route, including Fuel Cost and any Destination or Order costs.
Fuel CostPredicted fuel cost of completing the route. This value is calculated based on the planned route distance and the fuel consumption of the assigned Vehicle.
Vehicle Utilization
CubeVolume utilization of the assigned Vehicle. Click the Down Arrow to break it down by Max Vehicle Capacity, Peak Utilization, Current Utilization, and amount of delivered and picked up planned volume.
PiecesCapacity utilization of the assigned Vehicle in number of units. Click the Down Arrow to break it down by Max Vehicle Capacity, Peak Utilization, Current Utilization, and number of delivered and picked up Pieces.
RevenueCapacity utilization of the assigned Vehicle in Order or Destination Revenue. Click the Down Arrow to break it down by Max Vehicle Capacity, Peak Utilization, Current Utilization, and amount of delivered and picked up Revenue.
WeightCapacity utilization of the assigned Vehicle in Weight. Click the Down Arrow to break it down by Max Vehicle Capacity, Peak Utilization, Current Utilization, and amount of delivered and picked up Weight.


Summary Table – Customizable Route Data Summary In Route Editor

The Summary Table along the bottom of the Route Editor Map is a customizable aggregate route data table. Here, you can easily see the most relevant route metrics for your use case. To custimize the data columns of the Summary Table, click the Gear Icon to open the “Display Columns” panel.

Simply check the boxes next to the data columns you want to add to the table. You can re-order data columns by dragging them up or down in the “Arrange columns” section. Once you’re satisfied with your Summary Table settings, click the “Apply” button to save your changes. Use the table below to learn about all the available data columns:

The Summary Table along the bottom of the Route Editor Map is customizable aggregate route data table. Here, you can easily see the most relevant route metrics for your use case.

ProgressPercentage of completed Destinations from the total number of Planned Destinations. Destinations are completed when marked as “Done“, “Skipped“, or “Failed” by the assigned User via the Route4Me Mobile App or are detected as completed by Geofencing when the respective Advanced Configuration is enabled.
DestinationsTotal number of Destinations on the planned route.
Vehicle Utilization
Fuel CostEstimated Fuel Cost for completing the route based on Vehicle data and route length.
CostCost associated with completing all Destinations or Orders on the planned route.
CubeTotal planned Cube (volume) amount of all Destinations on the planned route.
PiecesTotal planned Pieces (units) amount of all Destinations on the planned route.
RevenueRevenue to be generated from servicing route Destination.
WeightTotal planned Weight amount of all Destinations on the planned route.
Estimated DistanceTotal planned Travel Distance of the route.
Actual Travel DistanceActual total distance to complete the route, accounting for detours, delays, and other factors.
Completed Planned Distance (%) Mobile AppPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was traveled by the assigned User calculated based on the received Mobile App GPS data.
Completed Planned Distance (%) TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was traveled by the assigned Vehicle calculated based on the received Telematics GPS data.
Completed Planned Distance (%) Mobile App + TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was traveled by the assigned User calculated based on the combined Mobile App and Telematics GPS data.
Remaining Planned Distance (%) Mobile AppPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was not traveled by the assigned User calculated based on the received Mobile App GPS data.
Remaining Planned Distance (%) TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was not traveled by the assigned Vehicle calculated based on the received Telematics GPS data.
Remaining Planned Distance (%) Mobile App + TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was not traveled by the assigned User calculated based on the combined Mobile App and Telematics GPS data.
Deviated From Planned Distance (%) Mobile AppPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was deviated from by the assigned User calculated based on the received Mobile App GPS data.
Deviated From Planned Distance (%) TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was deviated from by the assigned Vehicle calculated based on the received Telematics GPS data.
Deviated From Planned Distance (%) Mobile App + TelematicsPercentage of the route’s total planned distance that was deviated from by the assigned User calculated based on the combined Mobile App and Telematics GPS data.
Projected DurationTotal Planned Route Duration = Total Travel Time + Total Service Time + Wait Time + Breaks
Estimated Travel TimePlanned Travel Time of the route. This is the estimated time the assigned User will spend traveling between Destinations and doesn’t include Service Time, Wait Time, etc.
Total Service TimePlanned Service Time of the route. This is the estimated time the assigned User will spend at customer Destinations to complete them. That doesn’t include Wait Time related to customer Time Windows.
Actual Traveled TimeActual Travel Time is calculated based on the on-road Travel Time between Destinations based on the received GPS data, from the first to the last received GPS signal on the route. This does not include time spent inside customer Geofences (Actual Time on Site).
Actual Time on SiteActual Service Time of all Destinations across routes scheduled for the specified timeframe. Actual Service Time is the time assigned Users spend inside Destination Geofences.
Time in TrafficTBD
Wait TimeTotal amount of time that a driver spent being inactive while driving the route (i.e., a route started before the opening hours and a driver had to wait, a driver arrived at the address before the opening of the Time Window, etc.).
Stem InTime duration from the start of the route to the first Destination on the planned route. Calculated based on the Planned Arrival Time of the first Destination on the route. Represents the Travel Time between the route origin (depot) and first Destination.
Stem OutTime duration from the last Destination on the planned route to the route origin location (depot). Used for round trip routes where the assigned User returns to the route origin (depot) after completing the last Destination on the route.
Cost / MileTotal cost of Destinations divided by the Estimated Distance of the planned route.
Profit / MileProfit per Mile = (Planned Revenue – Route Cost) / Estimated Distance
Destinations / Distance DensityTotal number of Destinations on the planned route divided by the Estimated Distance. The value shows average Destinations per mile.
Destinations / Hour DensityTotal number of Destinations on the planned route divided by the Projected Duration. The value shows average Destinations per hour.
Transactions / Hour DensityTotal number of Transactions (Orders) on the planned route divided by the Projected Duration. The value shows average Transactions per hour.
SPORHStops Per On-Road Hour – dynamically predicted number Destinations (stops) visited per hour spent driving the route. If the route is completed, this will reflect the actual average value instead of an estimate.
TPORHTransactions Per On-Road Hour – dynamically predicted number transactions per hour spent driving the route. If the route is completed, this will reflect the actual average value instead of an estimate.
Cubic / Destinations DensityTotal Planned Cube volume divided by the number of Destinations on the route. The value shows average cubic volume per Destination.
Cubic / Distance DensityTotal Planned Cube volume divided by the Estimated Distance of the route. The value shows average cubic volume per mile.
Pieces / Distance DensityTotal Planned Pieces (units) amount divided by the Estimated Distance of the route. The value shows average Pieces per mile.
Weight / Distance DensityTotal Planned Weight amount divided by the Estimated Distance of the route. The value shows average lbs per mile.
Weight / Destinations DensityTotal Planned Weight amount divided by the number of Destinations on the route. The value shows average lbs per Destination.


Mobile App Sync – Real-Time Route Editor Mobile App Synchronization

Route4Me delivers seamless real-time route data synchronization between the Mobile Driver App and Business Route Optimizer. In detail, drivers and field team members can use Route4Me’s Mobile Android Route Planner and iOS Route Planner apps to navigate routes, add destination statuses, attach proof of visit and delivery, etc. Route4Me automatically synchronizes route changes from the mobile app, and you can instantly see route updates in the Route Editor.

Similarly, managers, route planners, or dispatchers can use the Web Platform Route Editor to insert or remove route stops, resequence addresses, reschedule routes, and make other route modifications. Accordingly, drivers and field team members will instantly have their routes updated on mobile apps in real-time.

Web Route Editor and Mobile Driver Apps real-time route synchronization for inserted and removed stops, route and stop statuses, attached proof of visit and delivery, and other route updates.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.