Team Hierarchy – User Types And Account-Level Permissions

With Route4Me, you can create an organized and easily manageable network of managers, route planners, dispatchers, drivers, and other team members. Depending on your specific last mile optimization needs and unique business model, each user can have default or custom account-level permissions, route visibility, driver and vehicle access, etc. This way, you can efficiently structure your team and assign the right work and routes to the right team members in real-time. On this page, you can learn about Route4Me’s user types, default user account-level permissions, user permissions settings, and more. Additionally, you can learn more about creating new users manually and bulk uploading users. To learn about your current user limit or increase the user limit of your account, please Contact Route4Me Support.

Route4Me Team Hierarchy, user roles, account-level permissions, company visibility by team role



Route4Me Team Hierarchy And Supported User Types

Route4Me supports the following default user types: Account Owner, Administrator, Regional Manager, Route Planner, Dispatcher, Driver, and Analyst. Accordingly, you can create a structured team with a custom user hierarchy based on your specific last mile optimization requirements and unique business model. To do so, assign different user types to your team members according to their roles within your company or organization. For your convenience, you can change the structure or hierarchy of your team by dragging and dropping users.

Equally important, each user type has its set of default account-level permissions that allow them to perform specific tasks and activities. Additionally, you can customize the permission settings of your users. Further, you can learn more about changing user types and adjusting user account-level permissions.

Route4Me user types and team hierarchy includes admins, managers, route planners, dispatchers, drivers, and analysts.

User TypeDescription
Account OwnerPrimary Account holder with all available permissions. Account Owner can create and manage all user types. All user types are branched under and report to the Account Owner. Account Owner can access and modify all types of data of all users associated with the Primary Route4Me Account. Additionally, Account Owner is the only user who can view and manage the billing and subscription details.
AdministratorReports to the Account Owner or another Administrator. Administrators can create and manage all user types. Administrators have the same global permissions as the Account Owner, without the permission to view or manage the Primary Route4Me Account’s billing and subscription details.
Regional ManagerReports to the Account Owner or Administrator. Regional Managers can create and manage Route Planners, Dispatchers, Analysts, and Drivers. Regional Managers can view and manage routes, users, Address Book contacts, orders, and other data of the sub-users branched under them.
Route PlannerReports to the Account Owner, Administrator, or Regional Manager. Route Planners can create and manage only Drivers. Route Planners can view and manage routes, Address Book contacts, orders, and other data of the sub-users branched under them.
DispatcherReports to the Account Owner, Administrator, or Regional Manager. Dispatchers can create and manage only Drivers. Dispatchers can view and manage routes, Address Book contacts, orders, and other data of the sub-users branched under them.
AnalystReports to the Account Owner, Administrator, or Regional Manager. Analysts can’t create or manage any users. Analysts can view and manage only those routes, orders, and other data that is assigned to them and associated with their account.
DriverReports to the Account Owner, Administrator, or Regional Manager. Drivers can’t create or manage any users. Drivers can view and manage only those routes, orders, and other data that is assigned to them and associated with their account.


Route4Me Mobile Apps Team And User Management

Furthermore, Route4Me’s Android Route Planning App and iPhone Route Planning App enable you to manage your entire team using only your mobile device. Specifically, you can use Route4Me’s mobile apps to create users, edit users, assign users to routes, and more. Additionally, you can learn more about Route4Me’s Android Route Planning App Team Management and iPhone Route Planning App Team Management.

Moreover, Route4Me supports real-time team data synchronization across multiple connected devices. For example, a Manager can add Drivers from the business route management software. After that, a Dispatcher can instantly see the newly added Drivers and dispatch routes from a mobile device to them.

Route4Me's mobile apps support user types for admins, managers, route planners, dispatchers, drivers, and analysts.


User Type Settings – Assign And Change User Types

To create a new user with a specific user type, go to “Team” and then “Users” from the Navigation Menu. Next, click the “Create Users” button, select the “Add Manually” option, and then assign the preferred user type to the new user. Alternatively, you can import users with predefined user types in a spreadsheet. Additionally, you can learn more about creating new users manually and uploading new users in a spreadsheet.

To change the user type of an existing user, go to “Team” and then “Users” from the Navigation Menu. Next, click the Three-Dot Icon next to the preferred user and then select “Edit” from the menu. After that, go to the “User Information” tab, select the preferred user type, and then save the user’s profile changes. NOTE: Changing the user’s user type may affect their place in your team’s user hierarchy. Additionally, you can learn more about editing user profiles.

Route4Me's user types include drivers, route planners, dispatchers, managers, administrators, and analysts.


User Permissions – Default Account-Level Permissions By User Type

Each user type has a specific set of default account-level permissions across the Route4Me Platform. Below, you can find the list of the Default Account-Level Permissions by User Type. Equally important, a user can view and manage routes, addresses, users, vehicles, and other data that is stored on their sub-users’ accounts.

NOTE: You can use the Company Visibility Settings and Read-Only Mode to override the default account-level permissions of your users. Accordingly, you can learn more about using the Company Visibility Settings and Read-Only Mode further on this page.

Each user on your Route4Me account has different default account-level permissions.

Permission Admin Regional Manager Dispatcher Route Planner Driver Analyst
Route Planning and Optimization
Plan and Optimize Routes
Route Management – Route Editor, Routes Map, and Routes List
Access Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Routes of All Users
Re-Optimize Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Re-Optimize Routes of All Users
Re-Schedule Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Re-Schedule Routes of All Users
Insert Addresses into Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Addresses into Routes of All Users
Insert Addresses into Best Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Addresses into Best Routes of All Users
Insert Driver Breaks into Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Driver Breaks into Routes of All Users
Delete Stops from Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Stops from Routes of All Users
Edit Route Stops in Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Route Stops in Routes of All Users
Refresh Route Directions in Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Refresh Route Directions in Routes of All Users
Reverse Routes (Reverse Entire Route) Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Reverse Routes (Reverse Entire Route) of All Users
Reverse Routes (Reverse Stops Only) Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Reverse Routes (Reverse Stops Only) of All Users
Operation Matrix for Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Operation Matrix for All Users
Duplicate Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Duplicate Routes of All Users
Merge Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Merge Routes of All Users
Add Notes to Stops on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Add Notes to Stops on Routes of All Users
Open Notes on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Open Notes on Routes of All Users
Delete Notes on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Notes on Routes of All Users
Access Route Manifest on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Route Manifest on Routes of All Users
Assign Users to Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Assign Users to Routes of All Users
Assign Vehicles to Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Assign Vehicles to Routes of All Users
Track Users on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Track Users on Routes of All Users
Track Vehicles on Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Track Vehicles on Routes of All Users
Export Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Export Routes of All Users
Approve to Execute Routes (Dispatch Routes) Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Approve to Execute Routes (Dispatch Routes) of All Users
Rename Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Rename Routes of All Users
Compare Side by Side Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Compare Side by Side Routes of All Users
Share Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Share Routes of All Users
Print Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Print Routes of All Users
Delete Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Routes of All Users
Team Management
Access Users Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Users List with All Users
Create New Users
Upload New Users
Invite New Users
Edit Users Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit All Users
Access Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Routes of All Users
Assign Users to Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Assign Users to Routes of All Users
Delete Users Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete All Users
Vehicle Management
Access Vehicles Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Vehicles of All Users
Add New Vehicles
Edit Vehicles Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Vehicles of All Users
Assign Vehicles to Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Assign Vehicles to Routes of All Users
Delete Vehicles Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Vehicles of All Users
Access Pending Vehicles of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Pending Vehicles of All Users
Activate Pending Vehicles of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Activate Pending Vehicles of All Users
Delete Pending Vehicles of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Pending Vehicles of All Users
Access Deleted Vehicles List of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Deleted Vehicles List of All Users
Restore Deleted Vehicles of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Restore Deleted Vehicles of All Users
Orders List and Orders Map
Access Orders Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Orders of All Users
Add New Orders
Edit Orders Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Orders of All Users
Plan Routes with Orders Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Plan Routes with Orders of All Users
Insert Orders into Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Orders into Routes of All Users
Insert Order into Best Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Order into Best Routes of All Users
Add & Manage Order Custom Fields Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Add & Manage Order Custom Fields of All Users
Delete Orders Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Orders of All Users
Address Book List and Address Book Map
Access Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Addresses of All Users
Add New Addresses
Edit Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Addresses of All Users
Upload Addresses
Plan Routes with Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Plan Routes with Addresses of All Users
Insert Addresses into Best Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Insert Addresses into Best Routes of All Users
Export Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Export Addresses of All Users
Add Custom Data to Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Add Custom Data to Addresses of All Users
Access Address Custom Data Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Address Custom Data of All Users
Generate Orders from Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Generate Orders from Addresses of All Users
Upload Address Schedules
Delete Addresses Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Addresses of All Users
Access Address Territories Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Address Territories of All Users
Create Address Territories
Edit Address Territory Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Address Territory of All Users
Delete Address Territories Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Address Territories of All Users
Avoidance Zones
Access Avoidance Zones Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Access Avoidance Zones of All Users
Create New Avoidance Zones
Edit Avoidance Zones Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Avoidance Zones of All Users
Delete Avoidance Zones Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Avoidance Zones of All Users
View Geofences on the Map
Change Geofence Shape
Change Geofence Size
SMS & Email Customer Notifications and Alerts
Enable or Disable Customer Notifications
Adjust Customer Notifications Settings
Customize Order Tracking Page
Access Notifications History
Analytics and Reporting
Dashboard Access with Data of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Dashboard Access with Data of All Users
CO2 Emissions Tracking of Routes Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
CO2 Emissions Tracking of Routes of All Users
Activity Feed
Activity Feed Access with Activities of the User & User’s Sub-Users
Activity Feed Access with Data of All Users
Activity Feed Settings
Callback URL
Callback Method
Optimizations Management
Edit Optimizations Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Edit Optimizations of All Users
Re-Optimize Optimizations Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Re-Optimize Optimizations of All Users
Delete Optimizations Created by User & User’s Sub-Users
Delete Optimizations of All Users
Real-Time GPS Tracking
Real-Time Tracking of All Users
Real-Time Tracking of User’s Sub-Users


User Permissions Settings – Read-Only, Route And Company Visibility

Each user type has a specific set of default account-level user permissions. Additionally, you can adjust the permissions settings of your users based on your specific team management requirements. Below, you can find the list of the user account-level permissions settings. NOTE: Company Visibility Settings and Read-Only Mode override the default account-level permissions of your users. To adjust the permission settings of your users, the Account Owner needs to enable the Advanced Team Management Add-On on the Primary Route4Me Account. Additionally, learn more about Customizing User Account-Level Permissions Settings, Company Visibility Settings, and Read-Only Mode.

Route4Me team users permissions settings include Read-Only mode, vehicle and driver, address and order, future and past routes visibility.

Permissions SettingPermissions Description
Read-OnlyWhen Read-Only is enabled, the user can see the routes and work assigned to them but can’t edit the routes and work assigned to them.
Route Visibility
Hide Routes Scheduled for Before the Current DateWhen enabled, the user can’t see any routes that are scheduled for before the current date.
Show Future Routes Scheduled Number of Days in AdvanceAdd the preferred number of days for future routes visibility. For example, if you add “5” days, the user will see only those routes that are scheduled to start within 5 days from the current date.
Company Visibility
See All DriversWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Drivers stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
See All VehiclesWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Vehicles stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Address BookWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Address Book addresses stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Orders ListWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Orders stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.