Route4Me Order Management And Order Routing System Guide

Route4Me’s Enterprise Delivery Routing Software enables medium and large last mile businesses to automatically import orders from CRMs and other systems, sort, process, route, and complete millions of orders effortlessly. Managers, route planners, sorters, dispatchers, and drivers can use Route4Me’s intuitive enterprise resource planning tools to complete every part of the order lifecycle, from importing orders to completing pickup and delivery routes, service orders, and collecting proof of service or delivery. Data is synchronized across all connected devices in real-time, maintaining seamless workflow continuity with real-time order status updates at every stage. In this guide, you can learn how Route4Me’s ERP Order Management and Routing System works, the complete order processing and routing lifecycle, included tools, features, and more.

Route4Me's Order Management and Routing System enables medium and large last mile businesses to complete millions of orders effortlessly. Intuitive ERP tools help managers, route planners, dispatchers, sorters, and drivers complete every part of the order lifecycle from importing orders to planning routes, completing delivery, pickup, or service orders, monitoring progress with real-time order status updates, and more.

Click To Open Your Route4Me Orders Page



Quick Start – Order Management And Routing System Overview

With Route4Me’s Order Management and Routing System, warehouse workers can sort and schedule orders with the Route4Me Mobile Route App, route planners can plan routes, dispatchers can dispatch routes and track drivers on routes, drivers can complete orders and collect proof of delivery or service, and managers can use the Web Software to view detailed order analytics and gain actionable intelligence to help improve the efficiency of your order operations. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s User Types and Team Hierarchy.

Specifically, once orders are added, sorted, uploaded, or imported, you can access them in your Orders List, easily filter millions of orders, and use filtered orders to optimize new routes or insert orders into planned routes. Moreover, orders in your Orders List are synchronized in real-time. For example, when an order is scanned and loaded on the route, its status is automatically updated in your Orders List.The Route4Me Order Lifecycle consists of adding orders, sorting and scheduling orders, routing orders, loading, unloading, and completing orders, and order analytics.


The order management and routing lifecycle takes place over the following stages:

  1. Add Orders: Import orders with API, create orders manually, or upload orders spreadsheet.
  2. Sort and Schedule: Use the in-app barcode label scanner to confirm inbound of orders, sort orders by territory, route, or update order details. Then, schedule orders for specific dates.
  3. Route Orders: Plan and optimize order routes, route order territories, or route order groups.
  4. Complete Orders: Use the integrated label scanner on Route4Me’s Mobile App to load orders on routes, visit destinations to complete orders, unload orders, collect electronic proof of delivery or service with the Mobile Route App, and complete order routes.
  5. Manage Orders and Analytics: View order analytics, collect actionable intelligence, filter and export order data, and more.


First, add, upload, or import millions of orders into Route4Me’s Last Mile Enterprise Delivery Routing Software. Specifically, you can add orders manually, upload orders spreadsheets, or import orders from CRM systems via Route4Me’s Order Import API.

Add orders manually, upload orders spreadsheets, or import orders from CRM systems via Route4Me's Order Import API to add millions of orders.


After you add or import orders into the system, you can scan and schedule orders for route planning with the integrated barcode label scanner of the Mobile Routing App without any external scanners or software. Sorters, drivers, and other team members can use the integrated order label scanner or a Bluetooth barcode scanner to efficiently scan and register orders, schedule orders, sort orders by Territory, and more, ensuring a streamlined and integrated workflow. You can then seamlessly access scanned, sorted, and scheduled orders in the Orders List and easily filter millions of orders by virtually any attribute.

After you add or import orders into the system, you can scan and schedule orders for route planning with the integrated barcode label scanner of the Mobile Routing App without any external scanners or software.


After filtering and scheduling orders, route planners can use the filtered orders to optimize new routes or insert orders into already planned routes. Furthermore, you can track order statuses and monitor order progress in real-time, when orders are loaded on routes, completed, and more.

After filtering and scheduling orders, route planners can use the filtered orders to optimize new routes or insert orders into already planned routes.


After routing, you can use the same Route4Me iPhone Order Routing App or Android Orders App to scan and securely confirm loading orders with the in-app barcode label scanner, navigate order routes, unload orders at customer destinations, and collect electronic proof of delivery or service. This enables you to efficiently complete orders and order routes with real-time data continuity throughout the entire order lifecycle.

After routing, you can use the same Route4Me App to scan and confirm orders with the in-app barcode label scanner, navigate routes, unload orders, and collect proof of delivery or service.


In detail, Route4Me’s Order Management and Routing System provides real-time order synchronization and order progress tracking. Once an order’s status is updated using the Route4Me Web Software or Route4Me Mobile Apps, it instantly becomes available across all connected accounts, apps, and devices in real time. You can track order status updates on your Orders List and check the progress of your orders. Additionally, you can reschedule, cancel, delete, export orders, and more.

Route4Me's Order Management and Routing System provides real-time order synchronization and order progress tracking.


Add Orders – Import Orders, Create Orders And Upload Orders To Route Planner Software

For your convenience and order management efficiency, you can seamlessly add millions of orders into Route4Me’s Last Mile Order Management Software using multiple methods. Specifically, you can add orders manually, upload orders as a CSV spreadsheet, or import orders using Route4Me’s API. Further, you can learn more about each method for adding orders.


Import Orders From Other CRM Systems To Route4Me ERP Software With API

With Route4Me’s Enterprise Routing API, you can automatically import millions of orders. Once imported, orders are instantly available in your Orders List with the “New” status. Then, you can schedule the New imported orders and use them to optimize routes or insert them into planned routes. Furthermore, Route4Me’s Order Import API can provide additional features. To import orders using the API, contact your Route4Me Routing Expert or the Route4Me Support Team.

With Route4Me's Enterprise Routing API, you can automatically import millions of orders. Once imported, orders are instantly available in your Orders List with the New status.


Create Orders – Add New Orders Manually To Orders List

Additionally, you can manually add customized orders to the Orders List. To do so, go to “Operations” and then “Orders” from the Navigation Menu and click the “Create Order” button. Next, you can add the order details, customer details, optimization constraints, Custom Data, schedule the order, etc. Accordingly, Route4Me will automatically geocode the address and generate the respective latitude and longitude coordinates of the order’s location. Once an order is created, it is assigned the “Scheduled” status. Accordingly, you can use Scheduled orders to optimize new routes or insert them into planned routes.

When you manually add customized orders in the Orders List, you can adjust order details such as address, scheduled for date, order destination type, priority, and more.


You can also create new orders directly from the interactive Orders Map. To do so, click the Orders Map Icon in the top-right of the Orders Page. Then, right-click near the preferred address and select “Add The Nearest Valid Address” from the menu to open the “Create Order” window. There, you can input the exact address, schedule the new order for a preferred date and time, add order details and Custom Data, and more.

Add orders directly from the map by right-clicking on the preferred address.


Once you create an order, it automatically becomes available in your Orders List with the “Scheduled” status and is scheduled for the specified date. Accordingly, you can use this order to optimize new routes or insert the order into planned routes. Additionally, learn more about creating orders.

Once you create the order, it automatically becomes available in your Orders List with the 'Scheduled' status and is scheduled for the specified date.


Upload Orders Spreadsheet To Route4Me Web Order Planner Software

You can easily upload millions of orders into your Orders List as a CSV file. First, click the “Upload” button in your Orders List and then upload your CSV file with order data. Alternatively, you can download a Route4Me Order Upload File Template, fill it with your order data, and then upload it to the Orders List. Once orders are uploaded, they are assigned the “New” status. After that, you can schedule the uploaded orders and use them to plan new routes or insert them into planned routes.

You can quickly upload millions of orders into your Orders List using a CSV file.


After uploading, Route4Me automatically validates and matches column names from the spreadsheet to Route4Me’s order fields. Once orders are uploaded, they instantly become available in the Orders List with the “New” status and can be scheduled for the upload date or for the dates specified in the spreadsheet. Accordingly, once the orders are scheduled, they are assigned the “Scheduled” status and can be used for routing. Additionally, learn more about uploading orders.

Route4Me automatically validates and matches column names from the uploaded orders spreadsheet to Route4Me’s internal order fields.


View All Created, Uploaded And Imported Customer Orders On The Orders Map

Furthermore, once orders have been added to the system, you can see them on your Orders Map. In detail, the map displays all orders that match your current View Mode and Filters, i.e. any order visible in the Orders List is also shown on the Orders Map for your convenience. To view orders on the map, simply click the Orders Map Icon in the top-right of the Orders Page.

All orders added to your Route4Me account are automatically shown on the map according to your filters and preferences.


Global Orders Visibility – Orders List Visibility Permissions For Users

By default, newly-added team members can’t see all orders on your main Route4Me account. With User Permissions and Visibility Settings, you can enable Sorters, Admins, Regional Managers, Analysts, and other User Types to access your Global Orders List. To do so, go to “Team” and then “Users” from the Navigation Menu. Then, open the “Edit User” panel and go to the “Company Visibility” tab in the “Permissions” section. Click the “Global Orders List” toggle button to enable all orders visibility for the respective User and click the “Save” button.

NOTE: Visibility settings are only available when editing Users. To adjust route and company visibility for new Users, first finish creating a User and then edit their respective “Company Visibility” settings.

To enable Sorters, Regional Managers, Analysts, and other User Types to view your Global Orders List, adjust the Company Visibility settings of the respective User.


Scan Orders To Sort, Schedule, Plan Routes, Load, Unload And Complete Orders

Route4Me enables you to seamlessly add, sort, and deliver orders by simply scanning a label code. For your convenience, the Android Route Planner and iPhone Route Planner apps feature an integrated label scanner and support various commercial Bluetooth barcode scanners. You can use Route4Me’s in-app code scanner to add and register orders in the system, schedule orders, sort orders by territory, load and unload orders on routes, and complete orders.

NOTE: Depending on your account configurations, certain features in this guide may not be enabled on your account. To enable or disable specific features, contact your Routing Expert or Route4Me’s Support Team. Equally important, currently, certain features may work only on Route4Me’s Android Order Routing App or Route4Me’s iPhone Route Orders App.


Scan And Schedule Orders – Scan Order Labels To Automatically Schedule Orders

You can use the integrated barcode scanner to register orders previously added to the system. To do so, open the Mobile App and select “Inbound Scan“. Next, use the in-app label scanner or a connected Bluetooth barcode scanner to scan codes on orders that need to be registered or scheduled. When you scan a label, the app shows the scanned code in the respective field and automatically registers it in the system. You can continuously scan multiple labels without closing the scanner.

When you scan a Inbound Scan label, the system automatically creates a new order with the respective code. Additionally, the newly created order is automatically scheduled for the current date and gets the “Scheduled” order status. Moreover, orders without an associated address will get the “Inbound Scan” order status.

Using Route4Me's barcode scanner to scan the Inbound Scan barcode for confirming receiving orders shipment.


Sort Orders – Scan Barcodes To Sort And Schedule Orders

The Sorting Scan is used to schedule orders for a specific date and sort orders by Territory based on their delivery address. Scheduling orders allows filtering orders by date and using orders for planning and optimizing routes. Sorting orders by Territory allows planning routes with Order Territories.

To sort orders by Territory, open the Mobile Order Scanner app and select “Sorting” from the Navigation Menu. Next, tap “Sort by Territory” and select the date for which you want to schedule the orders that you will scan and sort. After that, the app will automatically open the label scanner. For your convenience, you can use Route4Me’s in-app barcode scanner or a connected Bluetooth barcode scanner. Additionally, learn more about sorting and scheduling orders using the scanner.

Sorting orders by territory and scheduling orders using Route4Me's Sorter Tool and Bluetooth scanner.


Route Orders – Plan Routes With Orders, Territories, Groups, The Orders Map And Mobile App

Once orders are added to the system, sorted, and scheduled, you can use them to plan routes. You can route orders from your Orders List, plan routes with Order Territories, route Order Groups, or scan barcodes to plan routes. You can easily filter through millions of orders by virtually any order attribute using detailed order filters. After that, you can use your filtered orders to plan and optimize order routes or insert orders into already planned routes.


Orders List Routing – Plan Order Routes And Insert Orders In Routes

To plan routes with orders from the Orders List, select the orders you want to route by checking the boxes next to them. To select all filtered orders, check the box at the top of the list. After that, click the “Plan New Route(s)” button to plan a route with the selected orders. You can also insert orders into already planned routes. For example, when an order was rescheduled, couldn’t be included in a route, etc. Specifically, you can insert orders into routes when their status is ScheduledSortedMissing, or Unrouted. To do so, select orders and click “Insert Into Route“. Additionally, learn more about Orders List Route Planning.

Select the orders you want to route by checking the boxes next to them. After that, click the 'Plan New Route(s)' button to plan a route with the selected orders.


Order Territories Routing – Plan Routes With Orders In Geographical Territories

In addition to planning routes from the Orders List, you can plan routes from the “Territories” tab with orders sorted by geographic territory. The process of routing Order Territories is just as seamless and streamlined as planning routes from the Orders List. To do so, go to “Operations” and then “Orders” from the Navigation Menu and click “Territories“. Then, select the preferred Territories. Next, click the “Plan Combined Route” to plan a single route with all orders from the selected Territories or click the “Plan Separate Routes” button to route orders from each selected Territory without overlapping or combining Territories.

You can plan Order Territories routes as combined routes, which will plan a single route combining the orders of all selected territories or separate routes, which will plan and optimize one route per territory, without overlapping territories.


Order Groups Routing – Plan And Optimize Routes With Order Groups

Furthermore, Route4Me enables you to group orders by order custom data, custom group ID, ZIP code, and then plan routes with Order Groups. To do so, go to “Operations” and then “Orders” from the Navigation Menu and click “Groups“. Then, filter and select the preferred Groups. Next, click the “Plan Combined Route” to plan a single route with all orders from the selected Groups or click the “Plan Separate Routes” button to plan separate routes with orders from each selected Group without overlapping or combining Groups.

You can plan Order Groups routes as combined routes, which will plan a single route combining the orders of all selected groups or separate routes, which will plan and optimize one route per group, without combining groups.


Orders Map Routing – Plan Routes With Customer Orders On The Map

Route4Me’s Orders Map enables you to seamlessly plan order routes directly from the map. To do so, click the Draw PolygonDraw Rectangle, or Draw Circle button in the top right of the Orders Map. Alternatively, right-click anywhere on the map and select the preferred shape drawing option. Then, draw a shape around the orders you want to include in a route. Next, right-click the shape and select “Plan Route” from the menu. Route4Me’s Web Software will automatically open the Route Planning screen and import the details of the selected orders into the newly planned route. Additionally, learn more about planning routes.

Easily plan routes with orders by drawing a shape around the preferred orders on the Orders Map and seamlessly planning a route.


Grab & Go – Scan Order Labels To Plan Routes With Mobile App

Route4Me’s Grab & Go mobile order routing enables drivers to scan order labels with the in-app barcode scanner to add route addresses, optimize order routes, navigate and complete delivery routes, and more. To do so, go to “Routes” from the Navigation Menu and tap “Add New Route“. Next, the app will automatically open the route’s depot address on the map. After that, tap the “Add Stops” button to launch the label scanner and start loading orders and adding destinations to the route.

Drivers can continuously scan order barcodes to automatically add the address from each scanned order as a destination on the route. Once all orders are scanned and destinations confirmed, drivers can start the route, navigate to destinations, complete orders, collect proof of delivery or service and more.

Route4Me's Grab & Go feature enables drivers to scan order label barcodes to plan customer order routes.


Complete Orders – Order Routes Dispatch, Loading And Unloading, Customer Notifications

After you plan routes with orders, you can dispatch routes to assign drivers to the planned and optimized order routes, scan to load orders on the route, collect proof of delivery (POD), proof of service (POS), and proof of visit (POV), unload orders, and complete orders routes seamlessly with real-time asset tracking at every step of the process. Additionally, you can dispatch routes and notifications to automatically send customer notifications for order status updates, order tracking links, and more.


Dispatch Routes – Assign Drivers And Vehicles To Order Routes

With Route4Me’s reliable route management software, you can seamlessly dispatch routes to drivers and assign the preferred users and vehicles to order routes. You can dispatch routes from the same tools you use to plan and manage routes. In detail, you can dispatch routes from the Routes List, Route Editor, and Routes Map. Moreover, Route4Me can help you solve even the most complex routing and dispatch scenarios by automatically matching drivers and vehicles with the required driver skills and vehicle attributes of addresses to make dispatching complex service order routes a breeze. Additionally, learn more about dispatching routes and driver skills and vehicle attributes.

With Route4Me's Order Routing Software , you can easily and seamlessly dispatch routes to drivers and assign the preferred users and vehicles to your order routes.


Dispatch Route Notifications – Send Automated SMS And Email Customer Notifications

Furthermore, you can dispatch route notifications directly from your route planning and management tools, such as the Routes List, Route Editor, and Routes Map. In detail, when you dispatch route notifications to customers, they receive automated order status notifications by SMS and Email when an order is scheduled, a link to the Online Order Tracking Portal, order status updates after the time of dispatch, notifications when an order is completed, and a link to the Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Dispatch route notifications directly from the same tools for planning and managing routes to send order status notifications to customers by SMS and Email.


Load Orders – Scan Barcodes To Load Orders On Routes With Mobile App

Once you’ve added, sorted and scheduled, and routed orders, you can use the in-app label scanner to scan and load orders on routes. To do so, open the route in the app and tap the “Start Loading” button to open the label scanner. Then, scan and load orders on the route. Equally important, these steps are the same for using your device camera or a connected Bluetooth scanner. After you’ve finished loading orders, the “Loaded” status will be shown next to each destination with a correctly loaded order. Additionally, learn more about loading and unloading orders.

Use the in-app label scanner to scan and load orders on routes


Complete Orders – Complete Workflows, Collect Proof Of Visit, Scan To Unload Orders

Once a driver starts the route, they can use the app to seamlessly navigate to customer destinations and can visit customers, collect proof of visit, and unload and complete orders. In detail, the in-app barcode scanner enables drivers to scan orders to unload, complete customizable order workflows, and collect proof of visit such as customer signatures, pictures, notes, videos, audio recordings, and more. Throughout the entire order completion process, you can track drivers, vehicles, and assets on routes and get updates on driver route activity synchronized with your Route4Me trusted route software in real-time.

Once a driver starts the route, they can use the app to seamlessly navigate to customer destinations and can visit customers, collect proof of visit, and unload and complete orders.


Manage Orders And Track Order Progress And Statuses

In detail, every order has an associated status depending on its progress through the order routing and completion process. Your Orders List enables you to use a variety of filters to find your preferred orders not only by status but also by Type, Group, Territory, Weight, Revenue, and more. In addition, dynamic View Modes and customizable order data columns help you to see the order relevant to your needs and leverage actionable intelligence and analytics to streamline order management.


Filter Orders – Customizable Dynamic Orders List Filters And View Modes

You can filter orders in your Route4Me Orders List by virtually any order parameter and attribute. For example, order address, scheduled date, customer name or Email, label code, etc. Primarily, you can filter orders by their “Scheduled For Date” and Order Status. For your convenience, you can use Orders List View Modes that group order statuses by their purpose and application. For example, the “Plan Routes” View Mode includes the Sorted and Scheduled statuses that can be used to plan new routes or insert orders into planned routes. Accordingly, you can select the preferred View Mode and use additional filters with their respective included statuses.

Orders List View Modes group order statuses by their purpose and application.


Furthermore, each View Mode supports a fixed set of filters. Accordingly, to filter your orders, select the preferred View Mode and then click the “Filters” button. Alternatively, you can select the “All Orders” View Mode to include all orders and then use the filters available for all order statuses. To filter orders by date, click the Calendar Icon or the “Scheduled For Date” field to select the preferred date or date range. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me Order Management View Modes and Filters.

Each View Mode supports a fixed set of filters.


Order Statuses – List Of Order Lifecycle Statuses By Stage

To filter and display all order statuses, select the “All Orders” View Mode. Next, select the preferred “Scheduled For Date“. Each order status corresponds to a specific order lifecycle stage and completion state. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me ERP Order Management System Statuses.

NOTE: Depending on your account configurations and Route4Me account-level permissions, you may have access to a limited set of orders and order statuses. If you have any questions, contact your Direct Manager or Route4Me’s Support Team.

Orders in Route4Me's ERP Order Management and Routing System can have different statuses depending on the exact stage of the order lifecycle they're in.


Configure Orders List – Add And Customize Orders List Columns

Furthermore, you can customize the data columns displayed in your Orders List and their positions. To do so, click the Display Columns Icon and check the boxes next to the columns you want to enable on your Orders List. After that, you can change the positions of the columns by dragging column names. Accordingly, the column names listed from top to bottom are displayed from left to right on the Orders List.

Customize the data columns displayed in your Orders List and their positions.

Column NameDescription
Label CodeCustom order label code set when importing, uploading, and adding orders. The integrated Route4Me Mobile App Barcode Scanner can validate barcodes that include the “Label Code” value to confirm orders in the system, sort and schedule orders, and scan barcodes to plan routes.
Order TypeType of visit required to complete the order. The available order types are “Pickup“, “Delivery“, “Break“, and “Meetup“.
AliasСustom alias or name of the order. This name can be used to filter and find orders in the Orders List.
NameName of the customer associated with the order. This name can be used to filter and find orders in the Orders List.
AddressFull address of the order. When planning routes with orders, this address is used as the destination address of the order’s corresponding destination on the route.
GroupCustom Order Group ID for filtering orders with the same custom Group ID. Additionally, learn more about Order Groups.
Delivery NumberReserved value.
EmailEmail address of the contact or customer associated with the order.
PhonePhone number of the contact or customer associated with the order.
PriorityHigher priority orders are placed earlier on optimized route. The highest order priority is “1” and the lowest order priority is “65,535“.
PiecesPieces optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Pieces route optimization constraint.
WeightWeight optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Weight route optimization constraint.
CubeCube optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Cube route optimization constraint.
RevenueRevenue optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Revenue route optimization constraint.
CostCost of completing the order. You can add the “Cost” value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
ScheduledThe date for which the order is scheduled. Orders can be scheduled for a specific date so that they can be filtered by that date and then used to plan routes. Additionally, learn more about the Scheduled order status.
CreatedDate on which the order was created, uploaded, or imported in the system. Additionally, learn more about orders import, creation, and upload.
Sorted onAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was sorted using Route4Me’s Mobile Barcode Scanner App. Additionally, learn more about scanning order barcodes and Sorted order status.
Closed DateDate on which the order was completed by the driver assining the corresponding destination the “Done” status by completing all mandatory Order Workflow tasks.
Last Known RouteAlias of the most recent previous route in which the order was included, for example, for “Failed” and “Skipped” orders.
Inbound Scan DateAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was scanned and assigned the “Inbound Scan” status. Additionally, learn more about scanning order barcodes and Inbound Scan order status.
Time Window 1Start and end time of the first Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Time Windows Route Optimization Constraint.
Time Window 2Start and end time of the second Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Time Windows Route Optimization Constraint.
StatusCurrent order lifecycle status of the order updated in real-time. Different Orders List View Modes support specific order statuses. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me ERP Order Management System View Modes and Order Statuses.
TerritoryThe name of the Order Territory within which the order’s address is located. When the order’s address is located within the borders of an Order Territory, the order is associated with the given Territory. Additionally, learn how to Plan Routes Using Order Territories.


On your Orders List, you can manage your orders based on your account-level permissions. Specifically, you can edit, reschedule, export, and cancel orders, view order history, and more. First, filter orders by date and apply other filters (i.e., order status, barcode, etc.). Next, click the Three-dot Icon next to any order and then select the preferred action.

On your Orders Page, you can manage your orders based on your account-level permissions.

Edit OrderEdit the order’s details, such as the address, alias, customer details, optimization constraints, Time Windows, etc.
Insert into RouteInsert the order into a planned route. Additionally, learn more about inserting orders into planned routes in this guide.
View HistoryCheck the order’s history. For example, when the order was created, inserted into a route, loaded on a route, delivered, etc.
RescheduleReschedule the order for another date so that the order can be filtered by the new date and used to plan new routes or inserted into planned routes.
CancelCancel the order. Canceled orders can be rescheduled. To do so, select the order by checking the box next to it and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.
DeletePermanently delete the order. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.

Additionally, you can bulk manage multiple orders at a time. First, select the preferred orders by checking the boxes next to them and then use the preferred action from the menu bar above the Orders List. Accordingly, you can also select a single order and then use the same actions.

Bulk manage multiple orders at a time.

RescheduleReschedule the selected orders for another date so that they can be filtered by the new date and used to plan new routes or inserted into planned routes.
Export OrdersDownload the selected orders. Additionally, learn more about Orders Reporting and Order Export further in this guide.
Bulk ActionsCancel or Delete the selected orders. NOTE: Canceled orders can be rescheduled, but Deleted orders can’t be restored.


Export Orders – Download Orders Reports And Statistics In Spreadsheet

After filtering orders, select the orders you want to export by checking the boxes next to them. At the bottom of the Orders List, you can check how many orders match the applied filters and are displayed on the page. Depending on the applied filters, you may have millions of filtered orders. To select all filtered orders, check the box at the top of the list. After that, click the “Export” button to export all filtered and selected orders. Additionally, learn more about managing orders and exporting order data.

After filtering orders, select the orders you want to export by checking the boxes next to them. Then, click the 'Export' button to export actionable order analytics.


Manage Orders From Route4Me’s Interactive Orders Map

Moreover, you can directly manage orders from your dynamic Orders Map. To do so, right-click any order on the map and select the preferred option from the menu. You can learn about individual order management options in the table below.

Right-click orders on the Orders Map to access order management options.

Edit OrderEdit the order’s details, such as the address, alias, customer details, optimization constraints, Time Windows, etc.
RescheduleReschedule the order for another date so that the order can be filtered by the new date and used for planning new routes or inserted into planned routes.
Insert Into RouteInsert the order into a planned route. Additionally, learn more about inserting orders into planned routes in this guide.
Insert Into Best RouteInsert the order into the most logical planned route based on its coordinates and details.
CancelCancel the order. Canceled orders can be rescheduled. To do so, select the order by checking the box next to it and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.
DeletePermanently delete the order. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.
Copy Details to ClipboardCopy the respective order’s associated address, customer, and order details to the clipboard.


To manage multiple orders, click the Draw Polygon, Draw Rectangle, or Draw Circle button in the top right of the Orders Map. Alternatively, right-click anywhere on the map and select the preferred shape drawing option. Then, draw a shape around the orders you want to manage. Next, right-click the shape and select the preferred option from the menu. You can learn about multiple order management options on the Orders Map in the table below.

Bulk manage multiple orders on the Orders Map by drawing a shape and right-clicking it.

Plan RoutePlan a route with orders within the shape. Route4Me’s Web Software will automatically open the Route Planning screen and import the details of the selected orders into the newly planned route. Additionally, learn more about planning routes.
Change Scheduled For DateChange the date the orders are scheduled for. This change will affect routes planned with the respective orders.
Delete OrdersPermanently delete the selected orders. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.


Custom Fields – Add Custom Fields And Custom Order Statuses To Orders

For maximum productivity and efficiency, Route4Me enables you to add Custom Order Fields to your imported or generated orders as unique internal statuses. Adding Custom Order Statuses to your orders helps you add an extra layer of customization to your order routing activities and make sure that all your orders are conveniently and efficiently organized. To do so, go to “Settings” and then “Custom Order Fields” from the Navigation Menu. After that, click the “Create New Field” button. Additionally, learn more about creating Custom Order Fields.

Create and add Custom Order Fields to orders to use custom order statuses and maximize the efficiency of your order routing operations.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.