2025 Route4Me Release Notes & Product Updates

Discover what’s new in Route4Me and stay up to date with the latest releases, improvements, and product updates. This page provides a comprehensive overview of our completed and upcoming releases for 2025.

Route4Me 2025 Release Notes: software and app releases, enhancements, integrations, and other product updates.


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May 2025 Route4Me Release Notes

Release CategoryDate Description
Company Snapshot Feature  PlannedThe Company Snapshot provides detailed insights into your company or organization’s metrics, performance, KPIs, and more. 
Destination SnapshotFeature  PlannedThe Destination Snapshot offers detailed insights into any Route Destination, including its associated routes, contact and order information, last known and historic visitation details, and more.
Order SnapshotFeature  PlannedThe Order Snapshot provides detailed insights into any Order, including physical and contact details, associated routes, last known and historic visitation details, and more.


April 2025 Route4Me Release Notes

Release CategoryDate Description
Assignment DashboardFeature  PlannedThe Assignment Dashboard provides a detailed calendar overview of your scheduled routes and allows you to streamline the route dispatch process. To dispatch routes to drivers, field team members, and vehicles, simply drag and drop users and vehicles to specified routes.
Dispatch DashboardFeature  PlannedThe Dispatch Dashboard provides a real-time detailed overview of your routes, destinations, and orders. You can track route progress and performance, check order statuses, make instant route adjustments, drag and drop destinations and orders between routes, and synchronize route updates in real-time.
Customer Locations FeaturePlanned From the Customer Locations page you can efficiently manage hundreds of thousands of customer locations, visualize them on a map, and optimize customer routes.
Analytics Dashboard Feature  PlannedThe Performance Analytics Dashboard provides detailed actionable intelligence and performance metrics for your entire organization. Reports can be easily filtered and grouped by user, vehicle, orders, routes, and other categories.
Optimization Snapshot FeaturePlanned The Optimization Snapshot provides detailed insights into your optimization parameters and metrics.


March 2025 Route4Me Release Notes

Release CategoryDate Description
Post Optimization SlowdownEnhancement Mar 10 You can now easily adjust traffic slowdown, service time slowdown, and travel time slowdown on already planned and optimized routes.
Endpoint Domain Transition Update Mar 05 We’re migrating API endpoints from “route4me.com” to “wh.route4me.com” to enhance performance, security, and scalability. Please update your integrations to the new domain to ensure uninterrupted service.


February 2025 Route4Me Release Notes

Release CategoryDate Description
Route4Trucks Deep Links Navigation Enhancement Feb 28Create a custom Deep Link (URL) that includes custom route and commercial vehicle parameters for a specific destination. Send it to a truck driver via SMS, email, or any communication channel. When opened, the Route4Trucks GPS app launches automatically, navigates to the destination, and generates route directions based on the vehicle parameters.
Subscription & Feature Manager UI/UXFeb 27Redesigned user interfaces for Route4Me’s Subscription Management page and Feature Manager align with Route4Me’s modern interface design, ensuring easier and seamless billing, subscription, and add-on management.
Route Editor UI/UX  Feb 25Route4Me’s Route Editor features an updated Destinations List and Destination Information screens with more flexible, user-friendly fields. Additionally, a configurable Summary Table with detailed route information appears at the bottom of the map.
Geofence Triggered Route StartEnhancementFeb 24This Advanced Configuration automatically starts a route when the assigned driver or user leaves the geofence set around the route depot (route start location).
Routes List Map & TimelineEnhancement  Feb 19Your Routes page now includes a Map and a Route Timeline for more efficient route management. Use the Map to visualize routes, track progress, and more. Use the Timeline to update destinations, add or remove stops, move destinations between routes, and more.
Optimization ProfilesUI/UXFeb 19 Optimization Profiles now meet Route4Me’s latest user interface standards, offering more flexible settings and route optimization options.
System Consumption FeatureFeb 13The System Consumption page in your Account Settings displays your current account usage metrics and the number of completed requests for each activity type.
Data Retention FeatureFeb 12The Data Retention section in your Account Settings displays your current data retention metrics, categorized by various activity and entity types. 


January 2025 Route4Me Release Notes

Release CategoryDate Description
CustomersFeatureJan 31Customers page enables you to add customers and vendors, including customer locations, contact details, and billing information. Use this feature for route planning, last mile analytics, billing, and more.
Route SnapshotFeature  Jan 29Route Snapshot provides a summary of a route with a map overview and detailed analytics on destinations, orders, proof of visit collection, and activities associated with the route. 
User SnapshotFeatureJan 29User Snapshot offers a summary of a user, displays their last known location on a map, and provides insights into their performance. It includes detailed analytics on routes, destinations, orders, and activities associated with the user.  
Vehicle SnapshotFeatureJan 29 Vehicle Snapshot offers a summary of a vehicle and provides detailed analytics on routes associated with the vehicle.
Telematics SnapshotFeatureJan 29Telematics Snapshot provides an overview of a telematics connection, including real-time status and details of synchronized vehicles.
Routes MapUI/UXJan 25The updated Routes Map Timeline is easier to use, simplifying how you drag and drop destinations between routes. Please note that destinations can now only be moved to unvisited parts of a route.
Vehicles MapUI/UXJan 25The Fleet Management Page, where you can add and manage vehicles, now features a collapsable Vehicles Map. You can use it to check the last known location of your fleet vehicles.
Advanced Configuration EditorUI/UXJan 22The redesigned Advanced Configuration Editor user interface brings it in line with Route4Me’s modern user interface design and is easier to access in Account Settings.
Avoidance Zones RedesignUI/UXJan 18The redesigned Avoidance Zones interface brings it in line with Route4Me’s modern user interface design. The updated Avoidance Zone setting is available as a new tab in Account Settings.
Facilities EnhancementJan 12Facilities now includes advanced route, user, and vehicle attribution features, allowing you to associate more assets with your facilities and gain deeper insights into your organization and operations performance.
Smart Optimizations UI/UXJan 08The redesigned Smart Optimizations interface brings it in line with Route4Me’s modern interface design, streamlines Smart Optimizations management, and follows software best practices.
Optimizations UI/UXJan 05The redesigned Optimizations interface brings it in line with Route4Me’s modern interface design and follows software best practices.
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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.