Order Management – Order Filters, Statuses And History, Edit And Export Orders

Route4Me’s ERP Order Management and Routing System enables medium and large last mile businesses to automatically import orders from CRMs and other systems, sort, process, route, and complete millions of orders effortlessly. In detail, every order has an associated status depending on its progress through the order lifecycle. Your Orders List enables you to use a variety of filters to find your preferred orders by status or any other attribute. Additionally, dynamic View Modes enable you to sort only the orders relevant to your order routing and management needs. Furthermore, you can export detailed order data to utilize actionable intelligence and analytics to streamline order management.

Learn how to filter orders, track order progress with order statuses, manage and edit orders, export order data, and more.



Filter Orders – Customizable Dynamic Orders List Filters And View Modes

You can filter orders in your Route4Me Orders List by virtually any order parameter and attribute. For example, order address, scheduled date, customer name or email, label code, etc. Primarily, you can filter orders by their “Scheduled For Date” and Order Status. For your convenience, you can use Orders List View Modes that group order statuses by their purpose and application. For example, the “Plan Routes” View Mode includes the Sorted and Scheduled statuses that can be used for planning new routes or inserting orders into planned routes.

Accordingly, you can select the preferred View Mode and use additional filters with their respective included statuses. Below, you can find the list of View Modes available in your Orders List and their corresponding included statuses.

Orders List View Modes group order statuses by their purpose and application.

View ModeSupported StatusesDescription
OpenNew, Possession Scan, Pick Up ScanOrders that have been added, uploaded, imported, or scanned into the system but have not been scheduled or routed. NOTE: Only orders that have been sorted or scheduled and have the respective order status can be routed.
This WeekScheduled, SortedOrders that have been scheduled for or sorted during the current week. This View Mode enables you to quickly and easily see those orders that require routing to avoid overdue orders.
Plan RoutesScheduled, SortedOrders that are ready to be used for planning routes. To plan routes with the, filter and select the preferred orders ready for route planning. Then click the “Plan New Route(s)” button.
In ProgressLoaded, Manually Loaded, Routed, Sorted by Route, Route StartedOrders that have been used for planning routes and are currently included into planned routes. In Progress orders can be rescheduled and inserted into other routes or used for planning new routes.
ClosedClosedSuccessfully completed orders (delivered, picked up, etc.). Closed orders can’t be canceled or rescheduled for another date.
Past DueScheduled, Sorted, Canceled, Loaded, Missing, Damaged, Manually Loaded, Routed, Unrouted, Sorted by Route, Route Started, Failed, Skipped, Unable to Geliver, Hold for PickupOrders that haven’t been completed with a “Scheduled For Date” in the past. It’s recommended to reschedule these orders.
FailedMissing, Damaged, Unrouted, Failed, SkippedOrders that couldn’t be included into routes or were included into routes and couldn’t be completed (delivered, picked up, etc.). Failed orders can be rescheduled and inserted into other routes or used for planning new routes.
Delivery FailedReserved StatusReserved View Mode
Pickup PendingReserved StatusReserved View Mode
CanceledCanceledOrders can be canceled at any stage of their lifecycle, except for the Closed orders. Canceled orders can be rescheduled and inserted into other routes or used for planning new routes. To do so, select the canceled orders you want to reschedule by checking the boxes next to them and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.
All OrdersAllAll orders on your Route4Me account. This View Mode displays and allows filtering by every available order status. You can use the “All Orders” mode to manage orders and get an overview of the order status distribution of your orders.


Additionally, each View Mode supports a fixed set of filters. Accordingly, to filter your orders, select the preferred View Mode and then click the “Filters” button. Alternatively, you can select the “All Orders” View Mode to include all orders and then use the filters available for all order statuses. To filter orders by date, click the Calendar Icon or the “Scheduled For Date” field to select the preferred date or date range. You can find descriptions of the filters available in your Orders List in the table below.

Each View Mode supports a fixed set of filters.

Filter NameDescription
Label CodeFilter orders by inputting a specific custom data Label Code. This filter enables you to easily find specific orders by their respective barcode.
GroupFilter orders by inputting the name of a specific Order Group. This filter enables you to easily view only the orders from a specific Group in the customizable Orders List.
Order TypeFilter orders by their associated destination type. Specifically, filter by Pickup, Delivery, Break, Meetup, Service, Visit, and Drive By destination types.
TerritoryFilter orders by the Territory they are located in. You can search for a specific Territory by name or select a preferred Territory from the list.
Order StatusFilter orders by their associated Order Status. The available statuses can be different depending on the selected View Mode. You can see the available statuses of each View Mode in the table above.
Aggregation GroupReserved Filter
RevenueFilter orders by their associated Revenue value. You can add the Revenue value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
WeightFilter orders by their associated Weight value. You can add the Weight value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
CubeFilter orders by their associated Cube volume value. You can add the Cube value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
PiecesFilter orders by their associated Pieces value. You can add the Pieces value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
CostFilter orders by their associated Cost value. You can add the Cost value when importing, uploading, and adding orders.
PriorityFilter orders by their associated Priority. You can set the Priority when importing, uploading, and adding orders.


For efficiency, the Orders Map shows only the orders that match your Orders Page filters and view modes. For example, orders filtered by address, scheduled date, customer name or email, label code, etc. To open the Orders Map, click the Orders Map Icon.

Each View Mode supports a fixed set of filters.


Order Statuses – List Of Order Lifecycle Statuses By Stage

To filter and display all order statuses, select the “All Orders” View Mode. Next, select the preferred “Scheduled For Date“. Below, you can find a list of the available order statuses in Route4Me’s Enterprise Delivery Routing Software.

NOTE: Depending on your account configurations and Route4Me account-level permissions, you may have access to a limited set of orders and order statuses. If you have any questions, contact your Direct Manager or Route4Me’s Support Team.

Each View Mode supports a fixed set of order statuses.

Order StatusDescription
New – Added, uploaded, and imported orders
NewThe order was added to the system manually, uploaded, or imported through API. Next, New orders can be scanned using Route4Me’s Mobile Barcode Scanner, sorted by territory (optional), scheduled to get the “Scheduled” status, and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. Alternatively, New orders can be manually scheduled, get the “Scheduled” status, and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
Possession ScanAn added or imported order was scanned by its label code (Possession Scan) using Route4Me’s Mobile Barcode Scanner to register the order in the system and indicate that the order was received. Next, Possession Scan orders can be sorted and scheduled, get the “Scheduled” status, and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
Pick Up ScanReserved Status
Ready for Routing  Sorted, scheduled, and rescheduled orders
ScheduledThe order was scheduled for a specific date. Orders with any status except Closed can be manually rescheduled and assigned the Scheduled status. Next, Scheduled orders can be inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. For example, orders with Missing, Damaged, Unrouted, and other statuses can be rescheduled, assigned the Scheduled status, and then included in routes.
SortedThe order was scanned using Route4Me’s in-app Mobile Barcode Scanner, scheduled for the selected date, and sorted by its respective Order Territory. In detail, when the order’s address is located within the borders of a specific Territory, the order is assigned to this territory. Orders sorted by Territory can be inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. Sorted orders can be rescheduled for another date and assigned the “Scheduled” status.
In-Progress – Orders included into already planned and optimized routes
RoutedThe order is included into a planned and optimized route and is ready to be loaded. Routed orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. 
Route StartedThe order was loaded on the route using Route4Me’s Mobile App, and the route was started by the assigned driver. Route Started orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. Additionally, Route Started orders can be assigned the Skipped, Failed, or Closed status by the driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App
Sorted by RouteReserved Status
LoadedThe order was scanned and loaded on the route by the driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App. Loaded orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes. Accordingly, when a Loaded order is Canceled or Scheduled, it is automatically removed from its current route.
Manually LoadedThe order’s barcode was not scanned, but the order was loaded on the route and manually marked as “Manually Loaded” by the driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App. Manually Loaded orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
Hold for PickupReserved Status
Requires Attention – Orders that need to be Canceled or Scheduled for planning routes
MissingThe order was not scanned, not loaded on the route, and manually marked as Missing by the driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App. Missing orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into routes or used for planning new routes.
DamagedThe order was not scanned, not loaded on the route, and manually marked as Damaged by the driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App. Damaged orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into routes or used for planning new routes.
UnroutedThe order was used for planning routes but couldn’t be included into a planned route because of the route’s optimization constraints or other restrictions. Unrouted orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
FailedThe order was included into a planned route, but the driver couldn’t unload the order at its route stop for a specific reason and manually marked the order as Failed. Failed orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
SkippedThe order was included into a planned route, but the driver couldn’t unload the order at its route stop for a specific reason and manually marked the order as Skipped. Skipped orders can be Canceled or Scheduled for another date and then inserted into planned routes or used for planning new routes.
Unable to DeliverReserved Status
Closed – Done, unloaded, delivered, and picked up orders
ClosedThe order was successfully delivered and unloaded at its associated route destination by the assigned driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App. Closed orders can’t be Canceled or Scheduled for another date.
Canceled – Canceled orders
CanceledOrders can be canceled at any stage of the Order Lifecycle (any order status), except for Closed orders. Canceled orders can be Scheduled for another date and then included in planned routes or used for planning new routes. To do so, select the preferred canceled orders by checking the boxes next to them and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.


Edit Orders – Adjust Order Attributes And Manage Single And Multiple Orders

On your Orders List, you can manage your orders based on your account-level permissions. Specifically, you can edit, reschedule, export, and cancel orders, view order history, and more. First, filter orders by date and apply other filters (i.e., order status, barcode, etc.). Next, click the Three-dot Icon next to any order and then select the preferred action.

On your Orders List, you can manage your orders based on your account-level permissions. Specifically, you can edit, reschedule, export, and cancel orders, view order history, and more.

Edit OrderEdit the order’s details, such as the address, alias, customer details, optimization constraints, Time Windows, etc.
Insert into RouteInsert the order into a planned route. Additionally, learn more about inserting orders into planned routes in this guide.
View HistoryCheck the order’s history. For example, when the order was created, inserted into a route, loaded on a route, delivered, etc.
RescheduleReschedule the order for another date so that the order can be filtered by the new date and used for planning new routes or inserted into planned routes.
CancelCancel the order. Canceled orders can be rescheduled. To do so, select the order by checking the box next to it and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.
DeletePermanently delete the order. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.


Specifically, select “Edit Order” from the menu to open the Edit Order window. In detail, you can edit order details, date and time attributes, customer details, Custom Data, and Order Custom Fields. Specifically, you can edit the same order details as those used when creating orders. You can learn more about each order attribute field in the table below.

Edit order details of existing orders by selecting 'Edit Order' from the menu.

Order Details
AddressStreet Address, City, (State), ZIP Code, Country of the order.
AliasUnique alias or name of the order for identifying and filtering orders.
Order TypeType of visit required to complete the order. The available order types are “Pickup“, “Delivery“, “Break“, and “Meetup“.
PriorityHigher priority orders are placed earlier on optimized route. The highest order priority is “1” and the lowest order priority is “65,535“.
AttributesPhysical order attributes and route optimization constraints such as pieces, weight, cube (volume), and revenue.
CostCost of completing the order.
Date and Time
Scheduled forThe date and time the order is scheduled for. When creating orders manually, if you add a date and time in this field, the new created order will have the “Scheduled” status.
Time WindowsTime intervals when the order can be visited and completed. Additionally, learn more about Customer Time Windows.
Service TimeTime required to complete the order on site. Additionally, learn more about Destination Service Time.
Time ZoneTime zone of the order’s address.
GroupCustom Order Group ID for filtering orders with the same custom Group ID.
NameName of the customer associated with the order.
Contact InformationEmail address and phone number for contacting customers and sending SMS and email notifications.
Custom DataFor additional custom details and advanced configurations. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me Custom Order Data.
Custom FieldsAdditional user-specified order fields for creating customizable order statuses. Additionally, learn more about Order Custom Fields.


Additionally, you can bulk manage multiple orders at a time. First, select the preferred orders by checking the boxes next to them and then use the preferred action from the menu bar above the Orders List. Accordingly, you can also select a single order and then use the same actions.

Bulk manage multiple orders at a time.

RescheduleReschedule the selected orders for another date so that they can be filtered by the new date and used for planning new routes or inserted into planned routes.
Export OrdersDownload the selected orders. Additionally, learn more about Orders Reporting and Order Export further in this guide.
Bulk ActionsCancel or Delete the selected orders. NOTE: Canceled orders can be rescheduled, but Deleted orders can’t be restored.


Manage Orders From Route4Me’s Interactive Orders Map

Moreover, you can directly manage orders from your dynamic Orders Map. To do so, right-click any order on the map and select the preferred option from the menu. You can learn about individual order management options in the table below.

Right-click orders on the Orders Map to access order management options.

Edit OrderEdit the order’s details, such as the address, alias, customer details, optimization constraints, Time Windows, etc.
RescheduleReschedule the order for another date so that the order can be filtered by the new date and used for planning new routes or inserted into planned routes.
Insert Into RouteInsert the order into a planned route. Additionally, learn more about inserting orders into planned routes in this guide.
Insert Into Best RouteInsert the order into the most logical planned route based on its coordinates and details.
CancelCancel the order. Canceled orders can be rescheduled. To do so, select the order by checking the box next to it and click “Reschedule” from the action menu above the Orders List.
DeletePermanently delete the order. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.
Copy Details to ClipboardCopy the respective order’s associated address, customer, and order details to the clipboard.


To manage multiple orders, click the Draw Polygon, Draw Rectangle, or Draw Circle button in the top right of the Orders Map. Alternatively, right-click anywhere on the map and select the preferred shape drawing option. Then, draw a shape around the orders you want to manage. Next, right-click the shape and select the preferred option from the menu. You can learn about multiple order management options on the Orders Map in the table below.

Bulk manage multiple orders on the Orders Map by drawing a shape and right-clicking it.

Plan RoutePlan a route with orders within the shape. Route4Me’s Web Software will automatically open the Route Planning screen and import the details of the selected orders into the newly planned route. Additionally, learn more about planning routes.
Change Scheduled For DateChange the date the orders are scheduled for. This change will affect routes planned with the respective orders.
Delete OrdersPermanently delete the selected orders. NOTE: This action can’t be undone, and deleted orders can’t be restored.


Order History – View Chronological Order Action History

To view a detailed chronological history of every action associated with a specific order, click the Three-dot Icon and select “View History” from the menu. This will open the “Order History” panel which shows a list of all actions associated with the selected order, along with the respective user and timestamps. Order history actions are grouped by date on the “Order History” panel and shown in chronological order. Specifically, you can see when and by whom an order was created, uploaded, or imported, scheduled, sorted, routed, loaded, unloaded, completed, and more.

Order actions are grouped by date on the Order History panel and shown in chronological order. You can see when and by whom an order was created, uploaded, or imported, scheduled, sorted, routed, loaded, unloaded, and completed.


Export Orders – Download Orders Reports And Statistics In Spreadsheet

After filtering orders, select the orders you want to export by checking the boxes next to them. At the bottom of the Orders List, you can check how many orders match the applied filters and are displayed on the page. Depending on the applied filters, you may have millions of filtered orders. To select all filtered orders, check the box at the top of the list. After that, click the “Export” button to export all filtered and selected orders.

After filtering orders, select the orders you want to export by checking the boxes next to them. Then, click the 'Export' button to export actionable order analytics.


The exported order report CSV file consists of columns that contain the respective order data. Below, you can learn about the data columns included in the order export and their descriptions.

Export AttributeDescription
Address AliasСustom alias or name of the order.
Order IDUnique automatically generated identification number of the order.
Order StatusOrders can have one of the following statuses: New, Possession Scan, Sorted, Scheduled, Routed, Route Started, Loaded, Manually Loaded, Sorted by Route, Missing, Damaged, Unrouted, Failed, Skipped, Done, or Canceled. Additionally, you can learn more about Route4Me’s Delivery Management System order statuses.
Address 1Full address of the order.
Address 2The second address of the order that can include additional order address details, such as the floor, gate, apartment, etc.
Territory NameThe name of the Order Territory within which the order’s address is located. When the order’s address is located within the borders of an Order Territory, the order is associated with the given Territory. Additionally, learn how to Plan Routes Using Order Territories.
Cached LatRooftop latitude coordinates of the order’s location (address).
Cached LngRooftop longitude coordinates of the order’s location (address).
Curbside LatCurbside latitude coordinates of the order’s location (address).
Curbside LngCurbside longitude coordinates of the order’s location (address).
Address CityThe City part of the order’s full address.
Address State IDThe State part of the order’s full address.
Address ZIPThe ZIP Code part of the order’s full address.
Address Country IdThe Country part of the order’s full address.
Possession Scan DateAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was scanned and assigned the “Possession Scan” status. Additionally, learn more about scanning order barcodes and Possession Scan order status.
Sorted DateAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was sorted using Route4Me’s Mobile Barcode Scanner App. Additionally, learn more about scanning order barcodes and Sorted order status.
Added AtAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was manually added to the system. Additionally, you can learn how to manually add orders to your Orders List.
Scheduled ForThe date for which the order is scheduled. Orders can be scheduled for a specific date so that they can be filtered by that date and then used for planning routes. Additionally, learn more about the Scheduled For order status.
Done DateAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was assigned the”Done” status. Additionally, learn more about the Done order status and completing orders.
DeletedAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was permanently deleted from the system. Additionally, learn more about the Deleted order status.
Last RoutedAutomaically generated timestamp when the order was last included in a route.
Departed LatLatitude coordinates of the location where the driver or vehicle assigned to the route exited the geofence set around the order’s route stop address. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Geofencing Settings.
Departed LngLongitude coordinates of the location where the driver or vehicle assigned to the route exited the geofence set around the order’s route stop address. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Geofencing Settings.
Departed DateAutomatically generated timestamp when the driver or vehicle assigned to the route exited the geofence set around the order’s location. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Geofencing Settings.
Last VisitedAutomatically generated timestamp when the order was last marked as “Arrived” and “Done by the assigned driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App.
In Route CountThe number of routes the order was included in.
Visited CountThe number of times the order was visited. Specifically, a visit is when the order’s route stop is marked as “Arrived” and “Done by the assigned driver using Route4Me’s Mobile App.
Last StatusThe last status that was assigned to the order: New, Possession Scan, Sorted, Scheduled, Routed, Route Started, Loaded, Manually Loaded, Sorted by Route, Missing, Damaged, Unrouted, Failed, Skipped, Done, or Canceled.
Address Stop TypeOrders can have a specific stop type when they are included in a route. Specifically, orders can be one of the following route stop types: Delivery, Pickup, Break, Service, Meetup, or Visit.
First NameFirst name of the contact or customer associated with the order.
Last NameLast name of the contact or customer associated with the order.
EmailEmail address of the contact or customer associated with the order.
PhonePhone number of the contact or customer associated with the order.
WeightWeight optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Weight route optimization constraint.
PiecesPieces optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Pieces route optimization constraint.
CubeCube optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Cube route optimization constraint.
RevenueRevenue optimization constraint value of the order. Additionally, learn more about the Revenue route optimization constraint.
Reference NoCustom Reference Number of the order. The order’s Reference Number can be found and edited in the order’s associated route stop using the Route Editor.
Customer POCustom Customer PO Number of the order. The order’s Customer PO Number can be found and edited in the order’s associated route stop using the Route Editor.
Order NoCustom Order Number of the order. The order’s Order Number can be found and edited in the order’s associated route stop using the Route Editor.
Invoice NoCustom Invoice No of the order. The order’s Invoice No can be found and edited in the order’s associated route stop using the Route Editor.
Tracking NumberEach order is automatically assigned a unique Tracking Number. Customers can use their Order Tracking Number to track the status of their order in real-time using Route4Me’s Order Tracking Portal. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Customer Order Tracking Portal.
Local Time Window StartStart time of the Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Time Windows Route Optimization Constraint.
Local Time Window EndEnd time of the Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced.
Local Time Window Start 2Start time of the Second Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me’s Time Windows Route Optimization Constraint.
Local Time Window End 2End time of the Second Time Window (working hours) within which the order’s address can be visited and serviced.
Service TimeThe Service Time required to complete (deliver, pick up, etc.) the order at the order’s address. Additionally, learn more about Route Service Time.
ColorColor code of the order.
Order IconIcon (emoji) of the order.
Member IDUnique identification number of the Route4Me Account User who created and the given order and whom the order is associated with.
Organization IDUnique identification number of the Organization that administrates the Route4Me account that was used to create the order.
ValidatedManually assigned Validated order progress status. This order status is available only on the Legacy Orders List.
PendingManually assigned Pending order progress status. This order status is available only on the Legacy Orders List.
AcceptedManually assigned Accepted order progress status. This order status is available only on the Legacy Orders List.
StartedManually assigned Started order progress status. This order status is available only on the Legacy Orders List.
CompletedManually assigned  Completed order progress status. This order status is available only on the Legacy Orders List.
Local TimezoneReserved Attribute
TimeReserved Attribute



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.