Optimizations Management Guide – Open, Edit, And Manage Optimizations

Whenever you plan a route, a new unique Optimization is automatically created and linked to it. Optimizations, along with their parameters, are saved in your account’s Optimizations List. You can use Account Optimizations to re-optimize planned routes, optimize multiple routes at a time, restore deleted routes with the same optimization settings, and more. Use this guide to learn how to open, view, and edit your saved Optimizations, as well as the routes linked to them.

Saved Optimizations store route settings and constraints, allowing for quick reapplication, efficient management, and easy recovery of deleted routes.



Open Optimizations – View Your Account’s Optimizations List

To open your Optimizations, go to “Operations” in the Navigation Menu, then click “Optimizations“. From your Optimizations Page, you can view and edit all available Optimizations in your account.

By default, an Optimization inherits the name of its linked route. For example, a route named “Last Mile Optimized Route 0001” will have an Optimization with the same name.

NOTE: Changing a route’s name after optimization won’t change the linked optimization’s name, and vice versa.

Open Your Optimizations Page

An Optimization inherits the name of its linked route, with multiple routes numbered sequentially within the same Optimization.


Edit Optimizations – Modify Address And Settings Details

There are multiple ways to edit an optimization. For example, you can right-click the Gear Icon next to an Optimization and select “Edit” from the menu. You’ll be redirected to the “Addresses” and “Settings” tabs where you can make edits.

Edit an optimization by right-clicking the Gear Icon and selecting 'Edit' from the menu options.


In the “Addresses” tab, you can view and edit each address in the Optimization. Just click on the arrow next to an address to access Address, Order, Customer, Time, and Custom Data details, all of which can be modified. Alternatively, right-click on an address pin on the map and select “Modify Destination” to make changes.

See the table below for a full overview of editable fields.

Edit addresses in the Optimization by expanding address details or right-clicking an address pin on the map to modify the destination.

AddressInformation used for describing the location of the destination, containing the following identifiers: street name and number, city, state, ZIP, and country. Learn more about your Route4Me Address Book.
AliasCustom address alias or name that can be used to search for the address in your Address Book List or Map.
Lat, LngLat (latitude) and Lng (longitude) coordinates used to specify the location’s position on a map.
Address Destination TypeThe specific category or designation of the address: Delivery, Pickup, Break, Meetup, Service, Visit, or Drive By.
Order NoThe order number associated with the address. Learn more about managing Orders.
Order CostThe total expense associated with fulfilling the order.
Cube PlannedThe calculated volume or space requirements of a shipment, used to optimize space utilization during transport.
Invoice NoA unique identifier assigned to an invoice for tracking and reference purposes.
Pieces PlannedThe number of individual items planned for inclusion in a specific order.
Reference NoA unique identifier assigned to an order for tracking or reference purposes.
Revenue PlannedThe anticipated income generated from the delivery.
Weight PlannedThe estimated weight of items scheduled for delivery.
PriorityThe level of importance or urgency assigned to the delivery.
First NameThe given name of the Customer. Learn more about creating Customer profiles.
Last NameThe family or surname of the Customer.
EmailThe email address associated with the Customer.
PhoneThe phone number associated the Customer.
Customer POThe Customer Purchase Order associated with the customer.
GroupA business name or organization associated with the customer.
Time Window
Time Window StartThe beginning of a specific period during which a delivery or service is expected to occur. Learn more about Time Windows.
Time Window EndThe latest possible time by which a delivery or service must be completed.
Time Window Start 2A secondary or alternative start time for a delivery or service.
Time Window End 2A secondary or alternative end time for a delivery or service.
Service TimeThe amount of time required to service a route destination.
Custom Data
load_assist_idA unique identifier associated with a load assist service, used to track or manage assistance provided during the loading process of a delivery. Learn more Custom Data.


From the “Addresses” tab, you can also add or delete addresses. To add, click the “Add New Address” button. To remove, either click on a location in the map and select “Remove Destination” or click the X next to an address in the Address List.

Add or delete addresses in the Addresses Tab by clicking 'Add New Address' or selecting 'Remove Destination' from the map or Address List.


From the “Settings” tab, you are able to adjust Optimization settings. You can change the Route Name, Optimization Type, and much more. Click the Arrow Icon next to a menu section to open it and make edits.

See the table below for a complete list of editable fields.

Modify Optimization settings in the Settings Tab by updating the Route Name, Optimization Type, and more.

Optimization NameThe designated title or identifier assigned to the optimization to help you organize, track, and manage it within the system.
Route Start DateThe scheduled or actual date when the route begins. Learn more about route scheduling.
Route Start TimeThe scheduled or actual time when the route begins.
Flexible Start TimeThe range or window of time within which the route can begin, allowing for variability in the exact departure time based on conditions like traffic, availability, or scheduling preferences.
Service Time Per Destination (HH:MM:SS)The estimated or allocated time required to complete a delivery at each destination on the route, measured in hours, minutes, and seconds. Learn more about Service Times.
Dynamic Start TimeThe route’s start time which can adjust automatically rather than remaining fixed. The route will start dynamically at the most optimal time, accounting for the time window(s) of the route’s first destination.
Optimization Type
Single DriverA route optimization setting that plans and organizes destinations for a single driver, ensuring the most efficient sequence based on time, distance, and constraints.
Multiple DriverA route optimization setting that distributes destinations across multiple drivers, balancing workload and maximizing efficiency based on time, distance, and constraints.
Disable OptimizationsDeactivating route optimization features, preventing the system from automatically adjusting the route based on parameters like time, distance, or constrains.
Optimization Settings
Maximum Number of Routes/VehiclesThe upper limit on the number of routes or vehicles that can be included in a particular optimization. This ensures the system does not exceed the specified capacity.
Maximum Route Duration (DD:HH:MM)The maximum allowed time for the route, specified in days, hours, and minutes, to ensure that the planned route does not exceed the desired time frame for completion.
Maximum Distance per Vehicle or RouteThe maximum distance a vehicle is allowed to travel on the route. This limit optimizes efficiency, control costs, and ensures the route stays within logistical constraints, such as time or fuel usage.
Maximum Pieces per RouteThe maximum number of items or packages that can be included in the route to ensure efficient logistics and prevent vehicle overload.
Maximum Weight per RouteThe maximum total weight of items that can be assigned to the route, ensuring efficient logistics and preventing vehicle overload.
Maximum Volume per RouteThe maximum total volume of items that can be assigned to the route, ensuring efficient space utilization and preventing vehicle overload.
Maximum Revenue per RouteThe maximum expected or allowable income from deliveries assigned to the route, used to optimize profitability and manage operational costs.
Maximum Destinations per RouteThe maximum number of locations that can be included in the route, helping to manage time, efficiency, and vehicle capacity.
Route Type
End AnywhereA route optimization where the final destination can be any location, rather than a fixed endpoint.
Round TripA route optimization where the driver starts and ends at the same location.
Navigate ByA route optimization that provides turn-by-turn directions, considering factors like time, distance, or current time with traffic conditions to guide the driver efficiently from one destination to the next.
Travel ModeTe method of transportation used for the route, which can include options like driving, walking, or bicycling, depending on the nature of the delivery or journey.
Highways and TollsRoute preferences related to highway and toll road usage, offering options such as no restrictions, minimize highways, minimize tolls, avoid highways completely, avoid tolls completely, or avoid both highways and tolls entirely.
Turn Restrictions
Permit Left-TurnsAllow or restrict Left-Turns during the route planning process. Learn more about Turn Avoidance.
Permit Right-TurnsAllow or restrict Right-Turns during the route planning process.


Re-Optimize Optimizations – Apply Address Changes And Settings Adjustments

You can always re-optimize Optimizations to refresh them, apply updated settings, restore a deleted route linked to an Optimization, etc.

There are several ways to re-optimize. For instance, you can right-click the Gear Icon next to the Optimization and select “Re-Optimize” from the menu.

Re-optimize Optimizations to refresh, apply updates, or restore deleted routes by selecting 'Re-Optimize' from the Gear Icon menu.


Alternatively, if you are making modifications from the “Addresses” tab, you can click the “Re-Optimize” button.

Click the 'Re-Optimize' button in the Addresses Tab to apply modifications and update the Optimization.


Or, finally, from the “Settings” tab, you can click the “Re-Optimize Now” button.

Click the 'Re-Optimize Now' button in the Settings Tab to apply changes and update the Optimization.


Manage Optimizations – Use Different Viewing Options And Delete Optimizations

You can easily manage your Optimizations to streamline route planning and make adjustments as needed. Learn how to open Optimizations in a new tab or the Routes Map and how to permanently remove them from your account.


Open Optimization In A New Tab

For convenience, you can open an optimization in a separate tab to work with it in more detail. Just right-click the Gear Icon next to the Optimization, then click “Open in New Tab“. You’ll see the “Addresses” and “Settings” tabs where you can view and edit address and Optimization details.

Open an optimization in a new tab by right-clicking the Gear Icon and selecting 'Open in New Tab' to view and edit address and optimization details.


Open Optimizations In The Routes Map

Similarly, you can open an Optimization in the Routes Map. Again, simply right-click the Gear Icon next to the Optimization, then click “Open in Routes Map“. If you open multiple routes linked to a particular Optimization, you will be able to view them together and edit them in the Routes Map.

Learn more about opening and managing multiple routes.

Open an optimization in the Routes Map by right-clicking the Gear Icon and selecting 'Open in Routes Map' to view and edit multiple routes linked to the same optimization.


Delete Optimizations From Your Account

If you wish to delete a specific optimization, right-click the Gear Icon next to it and select “Remove Optimization” from the menu. If you would like to delete multiple Optimizations, check the boxes next to them, then click the “Delete” button that appears under the Optimizations List.

NOTE: Deleting Optimizations permanently removes them from your account, along with all associated routes.

Delete an optimization by right-clicking the Gear Icon and selecting 'Remove Optimization'.


You have the option to unlink routes from Optimizations. There are a few ways to do this: from the Routes Map, the Route Editor, or your Routes List.


From The Routes Map

From your Optimizations Page, right-click the Gear Icon next to a specific Optimization. Then, select “Open in Routes Map“. In your Routes Map, you’ll be able to see the route or routes associated with that particular Optimization.

Open Routes Map

Open an optimization in the Routes Map by right-clicking the Gear Icon and selecting 'Open in Routes Map' to view associated routes.


From your Routes Map, check the box next to the route(s) you wish to unlink. Then click “Routes” in the Menu bar and select “Unlink Routes from Optimization“.

Unlink a route from an optimization by checking the box next to the route and selecting 'Unlink Routes from Optimization' in the Routes Menu.


From The Route Editor

Alternatively, you can go to your Routes List, click the Arrow button next to the route you want to unlink, then click “Edit Route“. You’ll be redirected to the Route Editor.

Open Routes List

Unlink a route by clicking the Arrow button next to the route in the Routes List and selecting 'Edit Route'.


From the Route Editor, click “Routes” in the Top Menu Bar, then “Unlink Route from Optimization“.

Unlink a route by selecting 'Route' in the Menu bar and then clicking 'Unlink Route from Optimization'.


From The Routes List

You can also unlink routes directly from your Routes List. To do this, check the box next to the route(s) you wish to unlink. Then, click “Bulk Actions” and select “Unlink Routes from Optimization“.

Open Routes List

Unlink routes from your Routes List by selecting the 'Unlink Routes from Optimization' button.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.