Convert XLS Spreadsheets Into CSV Files And Plan Territories Routes

You are on this page because you’ve tried to upload a spreadsheet into your Route4Me account that exceeds the file upload size limit. When you are planning routes by uploading a spreadsheet (Upload a File), Route4Me allows you to import route data files in the CSV, XLS, and XLSX file formats up to 5 MB in size. It is recommended to use the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format because CSV files have a smaller file size, allowing you to fit more addresses and other types of routing data into a single upload file. Thus, if the file you want to use for planning one or multiple routes exceeds the corresponding size limit, you can try making this file smaller or use your Route4Me Territory Management Add-On/Module:

  • To prepare and download CSV files with your routing data, you can use such apps/programs as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Alternatively, you can use Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, as well as any other preferred apps or programs to convert your route data files into CSV file format for import into the quickest route planner software. NOTE: It is recommended to prepare and export your CSV route data file instead of converting files into the CSV file format. In this way, you will have more control over the contents and size of your files.
  • Alternatively, you can use your Route4Me Territory Management to upload hundreds of thousands of addresses in a single CSV, XLS, or XLSX file into your Route4Me Synced Address Book Map and then use your Route4Me Route Optimization to plan optimized routes with custom Address Territories.



How to Convert and/or Export CSV Files Using Google Sheets

You can use the Google Sheets app for preparing and exporting CSV files, as well as for converting XLSX and XLS files into CSV files. To convert an XLSX or XLS file (or other file types) into a CSV file, you can upload the corresponding file into the Google Sheets app and then download it as a CSV file accordingly. To import a file into the Google Sheets app, first, go to “File” from the top left corner of the app and then select “Open” from the menu. Next, drag and drop or click to select the file from your device and then upload it into the Google Sheets app.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


To export a CSV file from the Google Sheets app (after importing or preparing a new spreadsheet), first, go to “File” from the top left corner, after that select “Download,” and then select the “Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)” option from the menu. To learn more about Route4Me’s spreadsheet requirements, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


How to Convert and/or Export CSV Files Using Microsoft Excel

To convert a particular file into the CSV file format using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, first, you need to open this file using Microsoft Excel and then export it in the CSV file format accordingly. Alternatively, you can prepare the preferred spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and then download it as a CSV file. To export a CSV file from Microsoft Excel, first, click on “File” in the top left corner of the program. To learn more about Route4Me’s spreadsheet requirements, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


Next, click on “Save As,” select the preferred path, and then select the folder on your computer into which you want to download the corresponding file.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


After that, export the corresponding file in the CSV format:

  • Click on “Save as type:” to select the preferred export file type;
  • Select “CSV (Comma delimited)” from the menu;
  • Click on the “Save” button to download the file to your computer.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


Using Your Route4Me Territory Management for Uploading Addresses into Your Synced Address Book and Creating Territories

To use your Territory Management Add-On/Module for importing addresses into your Route4Me Synced Address Book Map and creating Address Territories, first, make sure that this add-on is enabled on your Route4Me account. Next, go to “Address Book Map” from the navigation menu. After that, go to “File,” select “Upload Addresses” from the menu, and then upload the file with addresses from your device into your Route4Me Synced Address Book.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


For the spreadsheet you want to import to be successfully processed, it must contain a Header Row and Data Rows. The Header Row defines the type of information you are importing, while the corresponding Data Rows contain the actual data that is being imported into your account. In addition to the obligatory “Address” column that contains the addresses you want to import, you can also include other address data columns with Route4Me reserved attributes and custom data. To learn more about  Address Book Custom Data, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


After uploading the file, Route4Me will process the imported data and display it in the corresponding window. The “Auto (attempt detection)” feature will automatically assign the right column titles to their corresponding reserved attributes and custom data columns (alternatively, you can do it manually). To learn more about how to import addresses into your Route4Me Synced Address Book Map, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


Once addresses are imported into your Route4Me Address Book Map, you can use your Route4Me Territory Management for creating custom Address Territories. To create new Address Territories, use the territory drawing tools in the top left corner of the map. Learn more about how to create and manage your Address Territories.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


Using Your Route4Me Route Optimization for Optimizing Routes with Address Territories

After creating custom Address Territories, you can use your territories for optimizing routes. To use one or multiple Address Territories for optimizing one or multiple routes, first, make sure that you have the Route Optimization add-on/module enabled on your Route4Me account. Next, select the preferred territories in the territories list by checking the corresponding boxes. After that, click on the gear icon in the header of the territories list and then select “Plan Route with Selected” from the menu. To learn more about using your Address Territories for optimizing routes, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On


Alternatively, you can draw a custom area around the preferred addresses on the map and then use all addresses in the area for planning one or multiple optimized routes. To do so, first, use the drawing tools in the top left corner of the map to draw a custom area around the preferred addresses, right-click on the outlined area, and after that, select “Plan Route with Area Addresses” from the menu. To learn more about how to plan routes with addresses on your Synced Address Book Map, visit this page.

How to Make Your Upload Files Smaller, Convert Spreadsheets to CSV Files, and Upload Addresses Using the Territory Management Add-On



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.