Add Orders – Create Orders, Import Orders And Upload Orders
Route4Me’s Order Management and Routing Software enables medium and large last mile businesses to automatically import orders from CRMs and other systems, add, upload, scan, sort, and schedule millions of orders effortlessly. In this guide, you can learn how to import orders with the ERP order import API, create orders manually on the trusted route software, and upload orders with spreadsheets to your Route4Me account. Then, you can manage orders, route orders, and complete orders.
Table of Contents
Import Orders From Other CRM Systems To Route4Me ERP Software With API
With Route4Me’s enterprise routing API, you can automatically import millions of orders. To import orders using the API, contact your Route4Me Routing Expert or the Route4Me Support Team. Once imported, orders are instantly available in your Orders List with the “New” status. Additionally, to enable scanning order labels to confirm, sort, and schedule orders in the system, include a Custom Data column labeled “BARCODE” with unique codes for individual orders.
Schedule New Imported Orders For Route Planning
Once imported into the trusted route optimization software, orders get the “New” status. These New orders can’t be used to optimize routes or be inserted into planned routes until they are scanned and confirmed in the system and then scheduled. To see orders with the “New” status, enable the “All Orders” or “Open/Pending” View Modes on your Orders List. Additionally, learn more about managing orders.
Furthermore, you can manually schedule one or multiple “New” orders. To do so, select the “New” orders you want to schedule by checking the boxes next to them. Then, click “Reschedule” from the action bar above the Orders List. Alternatively, for individual orders, simply click the Three-dot Icon and select “Schedule” from the menu.
Scan Order Label Codes To Confirm, Sort And Schedule New Orders
The main method of processing “New” orders for route planning and optimization is scanning label codes. For your convenience, Route4Me’s Android Route Planner and iPhone Route Planner apps feature an integrated barcode scanner and support connectivity with various commercial Bluetooth scanners. In detail, the Inbound Scan registers orders in the system, the Sorted Scan schedules orders for a specific date and sorts orders by Territory based on their address. With the mobile app, you can continuously scan order label codes to sort and schedule “New” orders, which then get the “Sorted” and “Scheduled” order statuses, respectively. Then, you can use “Scheduled” orders to plan and optimize order routes.
Bulk Upload Orders Spreadsheet To Route4Me Order Routing Software
You can easily upload millions of orders into your Orders List as a spreadsheet file. First, click the “Upload” button in your Orders List and then upload your CSV spreadsheet with order data. Alternatively, you can download a Route4Me Order Upload File Template, fill it with your order data, and then upload it to the fastest delivery routing software. Once orders are uploaded, they are assigned the “New” status. After that, you can schedule the uploaded orders and use them to plan new routes or insert orders into planned routes.
Alternatively, you can include schedule details in your upload spreadsheet, along with many other attributes and details. Specifically, the table below describes the valid order data column headers and associated column data you can include in your order upload spreadsheet, which Route4Me will validate.
NOTE: To enable scanning order labels to confirm, sort, and schedule orders in the system, include a Custom Data column labeled “BARCODE” with unique codes for individual orders.
Order Data | Description | Valid Column Names (Headers) | |
Order Details | |||
Address | Primary address of the route stop. The Address column is the only mandatory spreadsheet column for planning and optimizing routes. Accordingly, other columns can contain the data you want to assign to imported addresses. Specifically, use “address2” for additional address details such as apartment number. | address, address 1, address_1, address1, addr1, destination_name, customer_address, street address, street_address, street address 1, street_address_1, street address 1 (shipping), street address 1(shipping) | |
City | The City part of the stop’s address. You can add full addresses or split them into multiple columns: City, State, ZIP Code, and Country. | city, city_name, address_city, cityname, town, city (shipping) | |
State | The State part of the stop’s address. You can add full addresses or split them into multiple columns: City, State, ZIP Code, and Country. | state, state_name, address_state | |
ZIP Code | The ZIP Code part of the stop’s address. You can add full addresses or split them into multiple columns: City, State, ZIP Code, and Country. | zip, zipcode, addresszip, addresszipcode, address_zip, postal code, postal, postal_code, postcode, postal code (shipping) | |
Country | The Country part of the stop’s address. You can add full addresses or split them into multiple columns: City, State, ZIP Code, and Country. | country, country_name, countryname, nation | |
Destination Type | You can add the following destination types to your order routes: “PICKUP“, “DELIVERY“, “BREAK“, “MEETUP“, “SERVICE“, “VISIT“, and “DRIVE BY“. Accordingly, Route4Me’s quickest routing API accounts for each destination type to optimize the most efficient sequences and the fastest route directions. NOTE: When adding stop types to your spreadsheets, make sure that they are added in uppercase only. | address stop type, address_type, address_stop_type, stop_type, delivery_type, location_type, type | |
Alias | Сustom alias or name of the order. | alias | |
Color | Color code of the order address. You can color code addresses in your Address Book for Advanced Search Groups filters, indicating particular sales stages, client statuses, location types, visitation priorities, and more. To do so, add preferred colors in the Color column as words (i.e., green, red, white, black, etc.). | color, address_color | |
Weight | Weight route optimization constraint. Total weight expected to be delivered to or picked up at the route address. | weight, pounds, kilograms | |
Pieces | Pieces route optimization constraint. Total number of items or pieces expected to be delivered to or picked up at the route address. | pcs, pieces | |
Cube | Cube route optimization constraint. Total cubic volume expected to be delivered to or picked up at the route address. | dimensions, cube, cubic, volume | |
Revenue | Revenue route optimization constraint. Total revenue expected to be generated from the order. | revenue, income, earnings | |
Group | Assign a custom Order Group to the order. | group | |
Icon | Custom icon of the order. You can assign different icons (emojis) to your orders for your specific business and operating needs. To assign icons to addresses, add icons (emojis) as HTML entities in the Icon column next to orders in your spreadsheet. | icon | |
Priority | Priority of the order. The highest order priority is “1” and the lowest stop priority is “65,535”. Accordingly, addresses with higher priority are visited earlier on the route. | priority, importance | |
Reference Number | Custom reference number of the order associated with the route address. | reference no, reference_no, ref_no, reference_number, ref_number, ref num | |
Order ID | Unique identification value of the order. Order ID can be used to easily find and manage orders. | order_id | |
Coordinates | |||
Latitude | Rooftop latitude coordinates (decimal form) of the order address. Instead of adding the address of an order, you can add its latitude and longitude coordinates. | dst_lat, lat, latitude, address_latitude, cached_lat, destination latitude | |
Longitude | Rooftop longitude coordinates (decimal form) of the order address. Instead of adding the address of an order, you can add its latitude and longitude coordinates. | dst_lng, lng, long, longitude, address_longitude, cached_lng, destination longitude | |
Curbside Latitude | Curbside latitude coordinates (decimal form) of the location. Instead of adding the address of a location, you can add its curbside latitude and longitude coordinates for curbside routing. | curb_lat, curb_latitude, curbside_latitude, curbside_lat, destination’s curbside latitude | |
Curbside Longitude | Curbside longitude coordinates (decimal form) of the location. Instead of adding the address of a location, you can add its curbside latitude and longitude coordinates for curbside routing. | curb_lng, curb_longitude, curbside_longitude, curbside_lng, destination’s curbside longitude | |
Customer Details | |||
Customer PO | Purchase order (PO) of the contact or customer associated with the order. | customer po, customer_po, customerpo, customer_purchase_order, purchase_order, po_number, cust po | |
Email address of the contact or customer associated with the order. | email, e-mail, email_address, emailaddress, customer_email, order_email, address_email | ||
First Name | First name of the contact or customer associated with the order. | first_name, firstname, first name, first, customer_first_name | |
Last Name | Last name of the contact or customer associated with the route order. | last_name, lastname, last name, last, customer_last_name | |
Phone Number | Phone number of the contact or customer associated with the order. | phone, phonenumber, telephone, phone_1, address_phone, phone 1, address_phone_number | |
Time and Schedule Details | |||
Schedule | Recurring visitation schedule of the address. To add address schedules to your spreadsheet, use the respective JSON code snippets in the Schedule column. | schedule | |
Service Time | Service Time (integer minutes or HH:MM:SS) required to service the route stop (address). | time, service_time, minutes, servicetime, service time | |
Time Window Start | Start time of the Time Window (working hours) when the address can be visited and serviced (Day 1, + HH:MM:SS or military time. For example: “Day 1, 9:00 AM”). Learn more about Route4Me’s Time Windows Route Optimization Constraint. | time_window_start, window_start, window_open, start_time, time_start, time window start, time window start 1, time_window_start_1, local_time_window_start, local_time_window_start_1 | |
Time Window End | End time of the time window (working hours) when the address can be visited and serviced (Day 1, + HH:MM:SS or military time. For example: “Day 1, 5:00 PM”). | time_window_end, time_window_close, window_end, window_close, end_time, time_end, time window end, time window end 1, time_window_end_1, local_time_window_end, local_time_window_end_1 | |
Time Window Start 2 | Start time of the Second Time Window (working hours) when the address can be visited and serviced (Day 2, + HH:MM:SS or military time. For example: “Day 2, 9:00 AM”). | time_window_start_2, window_start_2, window_open_2, start_time_2, time_start_2, time window start 2, time_window_start_2, local_time_window_start_2 | |
Time Window End 2 | End time of the Second Time Window (working hours) when the address can be visited and serviced (Day 2, + HH:MM:SS or military time. For example: “Day 2, 5:00 PM”). | time_window_end_2, time_window_close_2, window_end_2, window_close_2, end_time_2, time_end_2, time window end 2, time_window_start_2, local_time_window_end_2 | |
Time Zone | Time zone in which the address operates. When an address has Time Windows, you can add the time zone in which these Time Windows operate. Accordingly, when using addresses with different Time Windows in different Time Zones, Route4Me automatically accounts for the difference in time and sequences addresses in the most optimal visitation order. | local_timezone_string, timezone, local_timezone | |
Custom Data | |||
Custom Data | Attach additional custom details and data to your orders. To use custom order data, add the respective data type as the column header. | For example, use “BARCODE” as the column header to add unique order label codes for sort and schedule scanning. |
After uploading, the trusted delivery routing software automatically validates and matches column names from the spreadsheet to order fields. Once orders are uploaded, they instantly become available in the Orders List with the “New” status and can be scheduled for the upload date or dates specified in the spreadsheet. Accordingly, once the orders are scheduled, they are assigned the “Scheduled” status and can be used for routing.
Then, the uploaded and validated orders will become available in your Orders List with their validated data converted into order details. Accordingly, if you include order scheduling details in your order upload spreadsheet, the uploaded orders will have the “Scheduled” Order Status. Furthermore, orders without schedule information will have the “New” status, and you will need to scan orders to sort and schedule or schedule orders manually.
Create Orders – Add New Orders Manually To Orders List
Additionally, you can manually add customized orders from the Orders List. To do so, go to “Operations” and then “Orders” from the Navigation Menu and click the “Create Order” button. Next, you can add the order details, customer details, optimization constraints, Custom Data, schedule the order, etc. Accordingly, Route4Me will automatically geocode the address and generate the respective latitude and longitude coordinates of the order’s location. Once an order is created, it is assigned the “Scheduled” status. Accordingly, you can use Scheduled orders to optimize new routes or insert them into planned routes.
NOTE: To enable scanning order labels to confirm, sort, and schedule orders in the system, click “Custom Data” and add the “BARCODE” custom identifier. Then, input the preferred unique label code in the “Custom Text” field.
In detail, when creating orders manually, you can customize the following order details:
Field | Description | |
Order Details | ||
Address | Street Address, City, (State), ZIP Code, Country of the order. | |
Alias | Unique alias or name of the order for identifying and filtering orders. | |
Order Type | Type of visit required to complete the order. The available order types are “Pickup“, “Delivery“, “Break“, and “Meetup“. | |
Priority | Higher priority orders are placed earlier on optimized route. The highest order priority is “1” and the lower order priority is “65,535”. | |
Attributes | Physical order attributes and route optimization constraints such as pieces, weight, cube (volume), and revenue. | |
Cost | Cost of completing the order. | |
Date and Time | ||
Scheduled for | The date and time the order is scheduled for. When creating orders manually, if you add a date and time in this field, the newly created order will have the “Scheduled” status. | |
Time Windows | Time intervals when the order can be visited and completed. Additionally, learn more about Customer Time Windows. | |
Service Time | Time required to complete the order on site. Additionally, learn more about Destination Service Time. | |
Time Zone | Time zone of the order’s address. | |
Customer | ||
Group | Custom Order Group ID for filtering orders with the same custom Group ID. | |
Name | Name of the customer associated with the order. | |
Contact Information | Email address and phone number for contacting customers and sending SMS and Email notifications. | |
Metadata | ||
Custom Data | For additional custom details and advanced configurations. Additionally, learn more about Route4Me Custom Order Data. | |
Custom Fields | Additional user-specified order fields for creating customizable order statuses. Additionally, learn more about Order Custom Fields. |
Once you create the order, it automatically becomes available in your Orders List with the “Scheduled” status and is scheduled for the specified date. Accordingly, you can use this order to optimize new routes or insert the order into planned routes. When you add the “BARCODE” Custom Data value, Route4Me automatically validates the code and enables the “Label Code” column option in the “Display Columns” menu.
Create New Orders On The Interactive Orders Map
You can also add new orders directly from the interactive Orders Map. To do so, click the Orders Map Icon in the top-right of the Orders Page. Then, right-click near the preferred address and select “Add The Nearest Valid Address” from the menu to open the “Create Order” window. There, you can input the exact address, schedule the new order for a preferred date and time, add order details and Custom Data, and more.
When adding an order from the map, the current date will automatically be entered in the “Scheduled For” field, and you can then change it to any preferred date. Accordingly, all orders added from the map will have the “Scheduled” order status.
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