Add & Manage Users – Route4Me Team Management Guide

With Route4Me’s Last Mile Transportation Team Software, you can create an organized and easily manageable routing team hierarchy of Managers, Route Planners, Dispatchers, Drivers, and other team members. Depending on your specific last mile routing needs and unique enterprise business model, each user can have different account-level permissions, route visibility, driver and vehicle access, etc. This way, you can easily structure your last mile team and assign routes to the right team members in real-time. Furthermore, Route4Me provides real-time team synchronization across multiple connected devices. In this guide, you can learn how to add, upload, invite, and manage users, edit user accounts and permissions, and more.

Add, invite, upload users to your Route4Me account and manage your team by editting users and permissions.

NOTE: To learn about your account’s user limit or to increase your user limit, please Contact Route4Me Support.



Add New User – Manually Create Profiles, Upload Users Spreadsheet, Invite Users Via Email

Open Your Users Page

Route4Me enables you to add users to your team in several ways. You can create individual user profiles manually, bulk upload data for multiple users in a spreadsheet, and send email invites to users you want to add to your last mile delivery or service team. Learn more about each method for adding users below.

Additionally, you can visualize your team hierarchy and reporting structure on the Users Page by clicking the “Tree View” toggle button at the top of the page.

Enable Tree View to visualize your Route4Me Last Mile Transportation team hierarchy and reporting structure.


Create Users – Manually Add New Users and Sub-Users To Your Team

To create a new user, go to “Team” and then “Users” from the Navigation Menu. Next, click the “Add User(s)” button. Alternatively, click the Down Arrow Button next to an existing user and then select “Add Sub-User” from the menu.

Depending on your User Type, you can see and manage the users branched under you. Accordingly, you can add sub-users with different User Types and branch them under your account or other users. Learn more about Route4Me’s Team Hierarchy and User Account Level Permissions.

Add drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other team members by creating user profiles.


After that, click the “Create” tab to manually set up a new user account. Fill out the user’s profile information in the respective fields. After filling in the new user’s details, click the “Create User” button to add the user to your team. You can find more details about each profile section and field in the table below.

Fill out a user's information and personal details and click Create User to add a new user profile to your last mile team.

Profile Info
Profile PictureClick the empty avatar and upload an image or a photo of the team member for personalization.
Full NameEnter the first and last name of the user in the corresponding field.
Date of BirthEnter the user’s date of birth on the calendar.
PasswordEnter and confirm the password the new team member will use to sign in to their account on the Route4Me Mobile App or Web Platform. NOTE: Users can use the email address specified in the “Contact Info” section as their username when signing in.
Contact Info
EmailThis email address will be used as the sign-in username by the team member to access their new Route4Me user account.
PhoneContact phone number of the team member. The user’s phone number can then be used to dial the user from Route4Me’s Mobile Route Planning apps.
Reporting ToSelect a manager who will view and manage the new user.
User TypeSelect the preferred User Type: Administrator, Regional Manager, Route Planner, Dispatcher, Driver, Analyst, Sorter, or Customer Support. Each User Type has a specific set of default account-level permissions. Learn more about Route4Me’s User Types Hierarchy and Customizing User Account-Level Permissions.
Optimization ProfileSelect an Optimization Profile that will automatically be used to optimize last mile routes whenever the user attempts to plan a route.
FacilitiesAssign the user to one of your Last Mile Business  Facilities.
Custom DataRoute4Me’s Custom Data enables you to add additional information to your users that doesn’t fit into reserved fields. To add custom data to users, enable the Custom Data Add-On on the Primary Route4Me Account. Additionally, learn more about User Custom Data.
User Permissions: Travel-OnlyEquivalent to enabling Read-Only Mode when creating users without the Grab & Go feature. The user can see the routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them but can’t edit routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them.
User Permissions: Travel and Plan Routes with OrdersEnables the user to scan barcodes on orders and add them as destinations to a route. Routes planned this way will be optimized with the user’s associated Optimization Profile. Additionally, learn more about scanning barcodes on iPhone and using the Android mobile barcode scanner.
User Permissions: Travel and Plan RoutesEquivalent to Read-Only Mode disabled when creating users without the Grab & Go feature. The user can see and edit the routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them.
Route And Destination StatusesAllow the user to change route and destination statuses on the Web Platform. NOTE: This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, contact Route4Me’s Support Team.
Return To SenderEnable “Return to Sender” scanner option for the Mobile App used to scan order barcodes and mark orders for return to sender.


Invite Users – Invite New Team Members Via Email Link

To invite users, go to “Team” and then select “Users” from the Navigation Menu, click the “Add User(s)” button and then the “Invite” tab. Next, input the email address of each user you want to invite in the “Email” field and select the preferred User Type for each user in the “Role” field. Once you’ve entered the preferred invitation details, simply click the “Invite” button to send email links that allow team members to create their accounts.

Additionally, you can enable Read Only Mode for any user you are inviting by checking the box next to that user in the “Read Only” column, add more invitation rows by clicking the “Add More” button, and remove invitations by clicking the Delete Icon.

Send email invites to drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other team members to join your Route4Me company account.


Track User Invitation Status And Re-Send User Invites

After you send user invitations, the “Invitations” panel will automatically open. There, you can check the status of sent user invitations, resend, and cancel invitations. To open the “Invitations” panel, simply click the Invitations Button on the Users Page.

To resend a sent user invitation, click the Resend Button next to the preferred invitation. To cancel a user invitation, click the Delete Icon next to the invitation. Accordingly, once an invitation is canceled, the sent registration link is automatically deactivated. You can also check the “Show History” box to see the history of all accepted, canceled, or expired user invitations. Below, you can find descriptions of the available invitation statuses.

Check team member invitation statuses for invited drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other members.

Invitation StatusStatus Description
PendingUser invitation was sent, and the invited user hasn’t accepted it yet.
AcceptedThe invited user has accepted the sent invitation and registered a new Route4Me account with the pre-assigned User Type. Accordingly, you can find the users who have registered their Route4Me account on your Route4Me “Team Members” page.
ExpiredA user invitation link is active for 48 hours. Accordingly, if the invited user doesn’t accept the invitation and register within 48 hours, their registration link automatically expires.
CanceledUser invitation was canceled. You and your sub-users can cancel user invitations. Accordingly, when an invitation is canceled, the sent registration link is automatically deactivated.


Upload Users – Team Members Spreadsheet Formatting And Upload

To import team members into your Route4Me business route optimizer account, go to “Team” and, then, select “Users” in the Navigation Menu. After that, click the “Upload A File” tab. Next, either drag-and-drop a CSV, XLS, or XLSX spreadsheet file with user data into the highlighted field or click the “Browse Files” button and select the preferred file.

For your convenience, you can use Route4Me’s Bulk User Import Spreadsheet Template. Specifically, you can download the template, populate it with your team members’ information, and then upload the spreadsheet to bulk create multiple users.

Download Spreadsheet Template

Drop and drop or upload a CSV, XLSX, or XLS file with user data to bulk upload multiple users to your Route4Me account.


Spreadsheet Formatting Details For Bulk User Upload And Data Validation

The user upload spreadsheet consists of organized Columns and Rows. To add a column, add the preferred column name to the header (first row) of your spreadsheet and then populate its following rows with user data. Accordingly, all data added in the same row belongs to the same user. Learn more about Route4Me’s Spreadsheets Formatting Requirements.

Format spreadsheet to bulk upload drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other team members into Route4Me.


Below, you can find the list of column names you can add to your spreadsheet. Learn more about Route4Me’s User Types and User Permissions and Route4Me’s User Permissions Settings, Read-Only Mode, Route and Company Visibility Settings.

Column NameExample ValueColumn Description
First NameJohnFirst name of the user.
Last NameDoeLast name of the user.
Email[email protected]Valid email address of the user. This email address will be used by the user to sign in to their Route4Me account.
PasswordPassword12345#This password will be used by the user to sign in to their Route4Me account.
Owner Email[email protected]Email address of the user’s manager – an existing user that the newly added user will report to.
Date of Birth9/25/1980Date of birth of the user.
Phone1-888-555-5555Phone number of the user.
Hourly Rate50Hourly rate of the user.
Driving Rate per Mile50Driving rate per mile of the user.
Driving Rate per Route50Driving rate per route of the user.
Service Time Rate per Hour50Service time rate per hour of the user.
Wait Time Rate per Hour50Wait time rate per hour of the user.
Hide Routes Scheduled for Before the Current DateTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When enabled, the user can’t see any routes that are scheduled for before the current date.
Show Future Routes Scheduled Number of Days in Advance30Add the preferred number of days for future routes visibility. For example, if you add “30” days, the user will see only those routes that are scheduled to start within 30 days from the current date.
See All DriversTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Drivers stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
See All VehiclesTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Vehicles stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Address BookTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Address Book addresses stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Orders ListTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Orders stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and accounts of all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Read-OnlyTrue or FalseAdd “True” to enable or “False” to disable. When the Read-Only Mode is enabled for the user’s account, the user can see the routes and work assigned to them but can’t edit the routes and work assigned to them.


After uploading your spreadsheet, Route4Me’s quickest route management software automatically validates and matches column names from the spreadsheet to the software’s user fields. In case certain column names don’t match their respective data rows, you can manually match data columns from the uploaded spreadsheet to Route4Me’s user profile fields. To correct a column name, click on the incorrect name and choose the appropriate option from the dropdown menu based on the type of data it contains.

Match user data from the uploaded spreadsheet with Route4Me's user profile fields.


Manage Users – Edit Team Member Account Details, Permissions, And More

With Route4Me’s Last Mile Team Management Software, you can manage, edit, delete, and reassign users at the click of a button. Specifically, you can easily access the same settings available when manually creating users for any of your existing users and sub-users. This way, you can seamlessly adjust user details and personal information, Team Hierarchy and User Types, User Permissions Settings, pay rates, Driver Skills, and more.


Edit Users – Adjust User Information, Visibility, And Access Permissions

To manage and edit users, go to “Team” and then select “Users” in the Navigation Menu. On the Users Page, you can see and manage the list of all users available on your business route management software account. Similarly, other users can see and manage sub-users branched under them. To edit users, simply click the “Edit User” button next to them.

You can also click the Down Arrow Button next to a user to access additional options, described in the table below.

Edit accounts and profiles of drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other team members.

Edit ActionAction Description
Add Sub-UserAdd a new sub-user with the respective User Type that will report to the given user. Learn more about creating new users and sub-users.
View Assigned RoutesOpen the list of all routes that the user is assigned to. Learn more about assigning drivers and users to routes.
DeleteDelete the user. NOTE: Deleting a user can’t be undone. To get help with deleting users, Contact Route4Me Support.

In the “Edit User” panel, you can adjust all the same settings as when you create users manually. After you’ve made the preferred changes, click the “Save” button to update the respective user details. NOTE: After a user’s team profile account has been created, it’s no longer possible to edit the user’s associated email address. To change the email address of a user, delete their existing account and create a new one with the preferred email address. You can learn more about deleting users further in this guide.

Edit general team member profile information such as user name, email address, password, and user type for drivers, route planners, etc.


Edit User Permissions – Account-Level Permissions Settings

After a user’s account is created, you can adjust their visibility and access permissions in the “Permissions” tab of the “Edit User” panel. You can find more information about individual account-level permissions settings below. You can also consult Route4Me’s User Account-Level Permissions Settings support documentation.

Drivers, route planners, etc., account level user permissions for route, team, vehicle, and order visibility and editing.

Permissions SettingsPermissions Descriptions
User Permissions
Travel-OnlyEquivalent to enabling Read-Only Mode when creating users without the Grab & Go feature. The user can see the routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them but can’t edit routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them.
Travel and Plan Routes With OrdersEnables the user to scan barcodes on orders and add them as destinations to a route. Routes planned this way will be optimized with the user’s associated Optimization Profile. Learn more about scanning barcodes on iPhone and using the Android mobile barcode scanner.
Travel And Plan RoutesEquivalent to Read-Only Mode disabled when creating users without the Grab & Go feature. The user can see and edit the routes, addresses, orders, users, and work assigned to them.
Route Visibility – Contact Support to Enable
Route VisibilityWhen disabled, the user can’t see any routes that are scheduled for before the current date. When enabled, the user can see routes regardless of when they are scheduled for.
Show Future Routes Scheduled Number of Days in AdvanceAdd the preferred number of days for future routes visibility. For example, if you add “5” days, the user will see only those routes that are scheduled to start within 5 days from the current date.
Company Visibility
See All DriversWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Drivers stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and all other users branched under the Account Owner.
See All VehiclesWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Vehicles stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Address BookWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Address Book addresses stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and all other users branched under the Account Owner.
Global Orders ListWhen enabled, the user can see and optionally manage all Orders stored on the Primary Route4Me Account and all other users branched under the Account Owner.


Delete Users – Remove Team Members From Your Route4Me Account

To delete a user, click the Down Arrow Button next to the user’s name and, then, select “Delete” from the menu. By deleting a user, you erase all information associated with that user. Be aware that deleting users can’t be undone. If you need help with deleting users, Contact Route4Me Support.

NOTE: When you delete a user, all routes this user is assigned to are automatically deleted as well. Accordingly, if you want to keep the routes the user is assigned to, assign another user to these routes before deleting the user’s account. Learn more about assigning users to optimized routes.

Delete drivers, route planners, dispatchers, and other team member profiles from the Route4Me route planning software account.


Configure Users Page – Add And Customize User Data Columns

Additionally, you can customize the data columns on your Users page for better data visibility, ensuring you see only that information which is relevant to your business needs. To do so, click the Display Columns Icon and check the boxes next to the columns you want to enable on your Users Page. After that, you can change the positions of the columns by dragging column names. Accordingly, the column names listed from top to bottom are shown from left to right on the Users Page.

Customize users data columns on your Route4Me Users page.

Column NameDescription
RoleUser’s respective User Type, i.e. Administrator, Regional Manager, Route Planner, Dispatcher, Driver, Analyst, Sorter, or Customer Support. Each User Type has a specific set of default account-level permissions. Learn more about Route4Me’s User Types Hierarchy and Customizing User Account-Level Permissions.
EmailEmail address of the User that functions as their account log in.
Created OnDate when the User’s account was created, invitation accepted, or User account details were first uploaded.
Last LoginTimestamp of the last time the User logged in to their Route4Me account.
Last Login DeviceThe device that was last used by the User to log in to their Route4Me account.
LoginsThe total number of times the User has logged in to their Route4Me account.


Route4Me Mobile Team Management And Real-Time Synchronization

Route4Me provides real-time route and team data synchronization across multiple computer and mobile devices. Specifically, when you add team members, their profiles instantly become available on all associated Route4Me accounts. Accordingly, new team members can be accessed, assigned to routes, and engaged in other activities from the Route4Me Business Route Planner Software and Route4Me’s Mobile iPhone Route Planning app, and Android Route Planning app. For example, an Administrator can add new Drivers, and Dispatchers can instantly see new Drivers and dispatch routes to them. Learn more about Route4Me’s iPhone Mobile App Team Management and Android Mobile App Team Management.

View and manage your entire Route4Me team directly from the Route4Me iPhone and Android Mobile Team Management App.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.