Customer Locations – Add, Edit, And Insert Locations Into Best Routes

Your Customer Locations page serves as a centralized database where you can manage and organize a large number of Customer Locations. You can synchronize in real-time Customer Locations across multiple users, accounts, and devices, ensuring consistent and up-to-date information. Additionally, you can easily select Customer Locations to plan and optimize last mile routes. This guide will walk you through how to add, select, and seamlessly manage your Customer Locations.

The Customer Locations page allows you to manage, synchronize, and optimize customer data across multiple users and devices for efficient last-mile routing.



Add Customer Locations – Create Detailed Address Location Profiles

To open your Customer Locations page, go to “Development” in the Navigation Menu, then click “Customer Locations“. Here, you will see all of your Customer Locations and their associated data.

To create a new Customer Location, click the “Add Locations” button.

Click 'Customer Locations' to view all your Customer Locations and their data.


In the “Add Locations” panel, enter into each field the requested data. To finalize, click the “Add Location” button. See the table below for specific details about each data field.

In the 'Add Locations' panel, enter the requested data in each field and click the 'Add Location' button to finalize.

AddressA specific location used for routing, which may be geocoded into latitude and longitude coordinates.
CustomerThe name of the person or entity associated with the location.
Customer AliasThe custom alias or name that can be used when searching for the Customer Location.
ColorThe color assigned to the address pin that appears on the Customer Locations map.
Location DetailsThe Group, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, and Customer PO associated with the Customer Location.
Custom DataA Custom Identifier or code assigned to the Location to distinguish it from others as well as Custom Text which enables you to provide additional details related to the Location.
Business DetailsIncludes Pieces Planned, Weight Planned, Cube Planned, Reference No, Revenue Planned, Priority status, and Address Destination Type.
Time WindowsIncludes First and Second Time Window Start and End Times, written as HH:MM.
Service TimesThe allotted amount of time to service the Location.
Time ZoneThe specific region where the local time is set based on the standard time for that area.
ScheduleThe frequency with which deliveries or service calls are planned to be made at the Location starting from a specific date.


Customize Address Locations Data – Select And Arrange Display Columns

For convenience, you can easily customize which Display Columns appear on your Customer Locations page and in what order. Just click on the Columns Icon to open the Display Columns Panel where you can make modifications.

Check the boxes next to the Columns you want to display. To rearrange the order, drag a column name to your desired position. See the table below for more information about the data associated with each column.

Click the Columns Icon to open the Display Columns Panel and customize which columns appear and their order on your Customer Locations page.

Column NameDescription
Customer AliasCustom alias or name that can be used when searching for the Customer Location.
AddressA specific location used for routing, which may be geocoded into latitude and longitude coordinates.
First NameFirst name of the customer or point of contact associated with the address.
Last NameLast name of the customer or point of contact associated with the address.
PhonePhone number of the customer or point of contact associated with the address.
E-MailEmail address of the customer or point of contact associated with the address.
GroupA custom Group ID you have created and assigned to the address.
Assigned ToThe name of the team member the address is assigned to. When you assign an address to a team member, this address becomes available on that member’s Route4Me account. They can use the address for planning routes, edit the address, etc.
No. of RoutesThe number of times the address has been inserted into a route.
No. of VisitsThe number of times the address was marked as “Visited via Route4Me’s Mobile Route Planner App.
Last Known VisitThe automatically generated timestamp of the last instance when the address was marked as “Visited via Route4Me’s Mobile Route Planner App.
Last Known RouteAutomatically generated timestamp of the last instance when the address was used for planning a new route or inserted into a planned route.
Imported FromThe source or system from which the Customer Location data was imported into your Route4Me account.


Filter Customer Locations – Narrow Displayed Results By Criteria

If you have numerous Customer Locations, you can expedite your search for the exact information you seek. You can click on “Group by” to search by specific customer. Or, you can click “Filters” to narrow down your results based on specific criteria. See the table below for more on how you can filter results.

If you have many Customer Locations, click 'Group by' to quickly search for specific customers.

Address VisibilityDisplay only Customer Locations based on whether they have been routed or remain unrouted.
Assigned ToDisplay only Customer Locations assigned to a specific individual.
Imported FromDisplay only Customer Locations imported from Geotab, Samsara, or both.
No. Of RoutesDisplay only Customer Locations based on a specific minimum and/or maximum number of planned routes.
No. Of VisitsDisplay only Customer Locations based on a specific minimum and/or maximum number of route visits.


Manage Customer Locations – Edit, Delete, And Perform Additional Actions

To modify a Customer Location, click the “Edit” button next to it. Alternatively, you can click the Down Arrow button to perform a variety of additional actions. See the table below for more information about each action.

To modify a Customer Location, click the 'Edit' button or the Down Arrow to access additional actions.

Generate OrderOnce you generate an Order from a Customer Location, the order will become available in your Orders List. Learn more about managing Orders in your Orders List.
Insert Location Into Best RouteInsert the Location at the most optimal sequence position, at the most optimal sequence position after the last address visited, at the end of the route, or at the beginning of the route.
Change Location OwnerSelect a new Team Member as the Location Owner.
Assign LocationSelect a Team Member to whom you wish to assign the Customer Location and set an expiration start and end time.
Copy Details to ClipboardDuplicate the details of Customer Location and store it in your system’s memory until you are ready to paste it elsewhere.
Delete LocationPermanently remove the Customer Location from your account.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.