Routing Calendar for Scheduled Routes, Orders and Events
Table of Contents
Route4Me’s Routing Calendar enables you to effortlessly navigate through all scheduled routes, recurring addresses, and orders, as well as plan routes using the events that are scheduled for the same date. It can serve as a delivery calendar or a calendar for your field sales reps, field technicians, or other field employees, offering you the ability to gain in-depth insights into the availability and capacity of your fleet resources and workforce in the upcoming weeks, months, and years.
Viewing Your Scheduled Events in the Routing Calendar
To open the Routing Calendar (that you may use as a delivery calendar) and view your scheduled events, go to Calendar from the navigation menu.
To navigate through the delivery calendar, use the corresponding arrow controls in the top right corner of the screen.
To view all events that are scheduled for the current date, click on the Today button in the top right corner of the screen.
The routing delivery calendar can display the following scheduled events:
- Routes: All planned routes that are scheduled for the corresponding date;
- Orders: All generated orders that are scheduled for the corresponding date;
- Scheduled Addresses: All addresses with recurring schedules that are scheduled for the corresponding date.
Viewing and Opening Multiple Events Scheduled for the Same Date
When you want to view or open multiple events (routes, orders, and recurring addresses) that are scheduled for the same date, first, select the corresponding date on the calendar, and then:
- Click on the Show Routes button to open all routes that are scheduled for the selected date on the Routes Map;
- Click on the Load in Hybrid Editor button to open all orders and recurring addresses that are scheduled for the selected date in the Hybrid Route Editor.
Opening All Routes Scheduled for the Same Date on the Routes Map
To open all routes that are scheduled for the same date on the Routes Map, first, select the corresponding date on the calendar and then click Show Routes respectively.
Route4Me’s Routes Map enables you to view multiple routes on a single interactive map, quickly modify route addresses, compare several routes one next to another, as well as effortlessly move stops between different routes using the interactive timeline.
Opening All Orders Scheduled for the Same Date in the Hybrid Route Editor
To open all orders that are scheduled for the same date in the Hybrid Route Editor, first, select the corresponding date on the calendar and then click Load in Hybrid Editor respectively.
NOTE: If you have any recurring addresses that are also scheduled for the selected date, the corresponding addresses will be opened in the Hybrid Route Editor together with the scheduled orders.
Route4Me’s Hybrid Route Editor allows you to plan one or multiple routes with all orders (and recurring addresses) that are scheduled for the same selected date.
To plan one or multiple routes with all orders that are scheduled for the same date, first, specify the route(s) parameters in the Settings tab.
After that, click on the Re-Optimize Now button respectively.
Once the route is planned and optimized, it is displayed in the Hybrid Route Editor, as well as added to your Routes List.
Opening All Recurring Addresses Scheduled for the Same Date in the Hybrid Route Editor
Route4Me’s Recurring Routing allows you to create custom schedules for repetitive visitation of recurring addresses or contacts on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual basis. To open all recurring addresses that are scheduled for the same date in the Hybrid Route Editor, first, select the corresponding date on the calendar and then click Load in Hybrid Editor respectively.
NOTE: If you have any orders that are also scheduled for the selected date, the corresponding orders will be opened in the Hybrid Route Editor together with the scheduled recurring addresses.
Route4Me’s Hybrid Route Editor allows you to plan one or multiple routes with all recurring addresses (and orders) that are scheduled for the same selected date.
To plan one or multiple routes with the recurring addresses that are scheduled for the same date, first, specify the route(s) parameters in the Settings tab and then click on the Re-Optimize button respectively.
After that, click Confirm when prompted to set a depot for the optimization.
Next, input the depot address into the corresponding field and click OK to proceed.
Once the route is planned and optimized, it is displayed in the Hybrid Route Editor, as well as added to your Routes List.