Geocoding Guide – Address Verification & Location Coordinates Mapping

Standardized Addresses play a key role in Address Verification and location coordinates mapping. A well-formatted address improves your ability to geocode, the process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) for precise location mapping. This, in turn, enhances accuracy and efficiency in route planning for your enterprise business. Use this guide to learn how to identify, format, and manage standardized addresses in your Route4Me account, including uploading addresses and verifying successful geocoding.

Standardized Addresses improve address verification, geocoding accuracy, and route planning efficiency by converting addresses into precise geographic coordinates.



Standardize Addresses – Geocode Locations With Precision

Geocoding begins with address standardization. Before converting an address into geographic coordinates, it must follow a consistent format set by a local postal service, like the USPS in the United States or La Poste in France. Standards vary by country but, within the US, the format includes the following: Street Address (number and name), City, State, ZIP, and Country.

When uploading address spreadsheets, Route4Me automatically attempts to geocode and validate all addresses. They will appear color coded as follows:

  • Green: Address geocoded with a high degree of confidence
  • Yellow: Unclear address; you should review and edit the address
  • Red: Address is unidentifiable; you should replace it with a valid address

Open Your Route Planner

Review and modify geocoded addresses in Route4Me, with verified addresses in green and unverified ones in yellow for review and correction.


Geocode Route Addresses – Verify And Modify Route Locations

Review and verify addresses after importing, manually entering, or adding them to your route. Modify or delete any that need adjustments to ensure accurate routing.

Ensure accurate geocoding by standardizing addresses according to postal service formats before uploading to Route4Me for efficient processing.


Verify Uploaded Or Imported Addresses

Upon uploading address spreadsheets or importing destination addresses, you can review them on the map. Addresses geocoded with high confidence will appear in green. At the same time, the system will highlight in yellow any addresses it can’t verify with high confidence. You’ll want to review and modify or delete these addresses.

To modify, hover over the address and click the Pencil Icon next to it to make your changes. To delete, click the Delete Icon next to the address. Click the “Finish Import” button to finalize.

Review and modify geocoded addresses in Route4Me, with verified addresses in green and unverified ones in yellow for review and correction.


Verify Manually Entered Addresses

If you prefer to plan a route manually via the Route Planner Interactive Map Editor, you can verify the geographic coordinates of the addresses you enter. Simply type your address into the Address Search Field.

As you enter the address, the system will suggest already geocoded, standardized addresses that resemble your search. To save time, simply click on an address if it matches what you’re looking for.

Manually verify and select geocoded addresses in the Route Planner by typing into the Address Search, with suggested matches for faster planning.


Verify Addresses Inserted Into Planned Routes

If you would like to insert an address into an already optimized route, you can also verify its geographic coordinates. After adding the address, click the corresponding Destination to view detailed information.

If verified, you should see that it appears as a standardized address along with its latitude and longitude coordinates. If you need to modify the address, you can do so directly in the Address Field.

Insert an address into an optimized route and verify its coordinates. Modify the address directly in the Destinations List if needed.


Geocode Order Addresses – Verify And Modify Order Locations

Similarly, you can easily verify addresses when uploading orders into your Orders List. In the Review Addresses screen, you’ll see in the “Found” tab the number of addresses successfully geocoded and validated. In the “Edit Address” tab, you’ll see any specific addresses that need to be reviewed and standardized or deleted.

To modify, you can use the dropdown menu to select a recommended standardized address. Or, to manually edit the address, you can click the Pencil Icon next to it. Alternatively, to delete the address, click the Delete Icon or the “Delete Without Review” button above the address. Click the “Upload Orders” button to finalize.

Open Your Orders Page

Verify and modify addresses when uploading orders, with options to standardize, edit, or delete addresses before finalizing the upload.


Geocode Address Book Addresses – Accurately Map Locations

Finally, you can verify addresses when uploading them into your Address Book. Addresses marked as “Found” have been successfully geocoded and verified with a high degree of confidence. Those marked as “Review” need to be reviewed and standardized or deleted.

To modify, hover over the address and click the Pencil Icon next to it. To delete the address, click the Delete Icon. Click the “Finish Import” button to finalize.

Open Your Address Book Map

Review and modify geocoded addresses in Route4Me, with verified addresses in green and unverified ones in yellow for review and correction.



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Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.