FedEx Data Sync – Import MyGroundBiz Routes And Addresses With Route4Me

Route4Me’s enterprise transportation planning software enables you to easily import data from the FedEx MyGroundBiz business portal. Export your delivery and pickup manifest, work area summary, or other files. Our system will automatically verify and convert your FedEx data into final mile routes, recurring routes, customer orders, and map addresses once they’ve been imported. You can easily fix or adjust any data that can’t be automatically verified with our easy-to-use smart data import and geocoding system. Use this guide to learn how to import and sync your FedEx MyGroundBiz data with your Route4Me account.

Route4Me's enterprise transportation planning software enables you to easily import data from the FedEx MyGroungBiz business portal.



Export FedEx Data – MyGroundBiz Delivery, Pickup Manifest And Work Area Summary Download

To sync FedEx data with your Route4Me account, first export your desired data from the MyGroundBiz portal. For easy, convenient, and efficient data management, Route4Me enables you to import any last mile routing or customer information from standard spreadsheet files. When you export a delivery manifest, pickup manifest, work area summary, or any other routing data from MyGroundBiz, you can directly upload those spreadsheets to your Route4Me account.

  • A Delivery Manifest provides a detailed list of all delivery orders scheduled for a specific time period. It includes information on the delivery locations, addresses, and packages to be delivered, helping drivers and dispatchers plan routes and ensure accurate deliveries.
  • A Pickup Manifest outlines all the pickups that need to be made during a specific period. It includes the locations, addresses, and items to be collected, along with any relevant instructions or special notes. This report helps drivers organize their pickups efficiently and ensure all items are picked up according to the schedule.
  • A Work Area Summary provides a snapshot of activities and performance within a specific geographic or operational area. It typically includes metrics like the number of deliveries and pickups completed, any issues encountered, and performance comparisons against set goals. This report helps monitor the efficiency of operations in that area.

To sync FedEx data with your Route4Me account, first export the preferred data from the MyGroundBiz portal.


Import Route Data – Last Mile Routes And Recurring Routes With FedEx Data

Once you’ve exported your selected FexEx manifests from MyGroundBiz, you can directly import them to your Route4Me account for route planning with no additional action required. Route4Me’s automatic address verification will geocode address data, and the system will create routes according to your preferences. You can maintain the address sequence of your exported FedEx data manifest by disabling optimization, or you can plan a new route with the most optimal destination sequence based on your preferences and optimization settings. Learn more about planning last mile routes.

Once you've exported the preferred FexEx manifests from MyGroundBiz, you can directly import them to your Route4Me account for route planning with no additional action required.


NOTE: Route4Me automatically verifies FedEx data columns. In some cases, a field or column may not be recognized by the system. If that happens, Route4Me enables you to easily adjust column mapping by clicking the arrow next to a column header and selecting the correct data type. Learn more about importing routes and Route4Me Spreadsheet Formatting.

Route4Me automatically verifies FedEx data columns. In some cases, a field or column may not be recognized by the system. If that happens, Route4Me enables you to easily adjust column mapping by clicking the arrow.


Recurring Routes – Import FedEx Data For Recurring Routing With Master Routes And Schedules

If you need to schedule deliveries for repeat orders and visit customers on a regular basis using your FedEx customer data, you can use Route4Me Recurring Routing. Specifically, you can plan a route with your synced FedEx delivery or pickup manifest and then use this route to plan a recurring schedule for routes that repeat at specific days across a specified period of time. Learn more about master routes and recurring route schedules.

If you need to schedule delivery for repeat orders and visit customers using a recurring schedule based on your FedEx customer data, you can use Route4Me Recurring Routing.


Import Order Data – Sync And Manage FedEx Orders With Route4Me

You can also sync Pickup and Delivery Manifests exported from FedEx to Route4Me Customer Orders. As when importing routes, the system will automatically validate FedEx address and customer data to create orders in your Route4Me account. After that, you can schedule the uploaded orders and use them to plan order routes or insert orders into planned routes. Learn more about importing orders by uploading spreadsheets and how to manage orders with Route4Me.

You can quickly upload millions of orders into your Orders List using a CSV file.


Sync Customers – Import FedEx Customer Addresses To Route4Me Address Book

Your FedEx Work Area Summary or order manifests can be used to sync customers and addresses with Route4Me’s Address Book. Simply upload your FedEx data files to your Route4Me account, and the system will automatically geocode FedEx address data with address verification and sync your FedEx customers with Route4Me. The Address Book Map enables you to see your customer addresses and their corresponding customer data directly on the map with smart cluster options, customizable address territories, search groups, and much more.

Your FedEx Work Area Summary can be used to sync customers and addresses with Route4Me's Address Book. Simply upload your FedEx data files to your Route4Me account.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.