Unrouted Destinations – Re-Optimize Not Included Addresses

To accommodate your unique routing requirements, Route4Me supports multiple optimization types with various Advanced Constrains. You can add different layers of complexity to your routes and Route4Me will immediately recalculate the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the Vehicle Route Problem (VRP) solution accounting for the new added variables. The system outputs the shortest and most profitable multi stop routes while also accounting for your business needs. When using Route4Me’s Multiple Drivers Route optimization, based on the specified optimization settings and constraints, in addition to your optimized routes, you may also get one or multiple Unrouted Destinations. Unrouted Destinations are the route addresses or locations that couldn’t fit into your planned and optimized routes due to the exceeded route optimization constraints. To make sure that you can visit all your customers on time and in the most cost-effective way, Route4Me allows you to re-adjust the optimization settings of already planned and optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


To include the Unrouted Destinations that didn’t fit into the routes planned using the Multiple Drivers Route optimization, you need to change the settings and/or constraints of the corresponding optimization. To do so, first, go to “Optimizations” from the navigation menu. Next, click on the gear icon next to the optimization you want to modify and then select “Edit” from the menu. NOTE: When using the Multiple Drivers Route optimization, the system generates multiple routes and a single optimization so that all generated routes will be associated with the corresponding single optimization. Thus, to re-optimize multiple routes generated from a particular optimization, you can modify the settings on this optimization, and the system will automatically re-optimize the corresponding routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


In the “Addresses” tab, you can see all addresses and locations included into all routes generated by the opened optimization. To see the Unrouted Destinations generated by the opened optimization, you can use the interactive map and the timeline. To locate a particular Unrouted Destination on the map, click on the corresponding address in the timeline.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


The routing data of each address included into the routes generated by the opened optimization can factor into generating Unrouted Destinations. For example, the Volume (Cube)PiecesRevenue, and Weight constraint values of each address can add up and exceed the Maximum Volume (Cube), Pieces, Revenue, and Weight constraints of the optimization. Thus, when the specified optimization constraints are exceeded, the optimization will automatically choose the most optimal addresses that can be included into the generated routes without exceeding the specified constraints, leaving out the Unrouted Destinations that can’t be included into the planned routes. To modify the constraint values of each address, first, click on the preferred address, and then change the corresponding constraint value(s) in the “Order” section.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


The Time Window(s) constraints of each individual address included into the routes generated by the opened optimization can factor into generating Unrouted Destinations. For example, the Time Windows of certain addresses can conflict with the Max Route Duration constraint. Thus, if it is not possible to visit all selected addresses due to the Time Windows that create an optimization conflict with other Time Windows or other optimization constraints, the given optimization will automatically choose the most optimal addresses that can be included into the generated routes without exceeding the specified constraints, leaving out the Unrouted Destinations that can’t be included into the planned routes. To modify the Time Windows constraints of each address, first, click on the preferred address, and then change the corresponding constraint value(s) in the “Time” section.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


To view and modify the settings of the opened optimization, first, go to the “Settings” tab.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


In the “Route Type” section of the optimization’s settings, you can modify where each route generated by the opened optimization must end. Depending on the selected Route Type, each optimized route can have a different Total Travel Time and Total Travel Distance that can conflict with other optimization constraints (i.e., Max Route Duration, Max Route Distance, etc.), causing the optimization to create Unrouted Destinations that can’t fit into the optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


In the Avoidance Zones section of the optimization’s settings, you can choose what areas the optimized routes must avoid driving through. Thus, depending on the selected Avoidance Zone(s), each planned route can have a different Total Travel Time and Total Travel Distance that can conflict with other optimization constraints (i.e., Max Route Duration, Max Route Distance, etc.), causing the optimization to generate Unrouted Destinations that can’t fit into the optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


In the “Navigate By” section of the optimization’s settings, you can choose what roads must not be included into the optimized routes (i.e., toll roads, highways, etc.) and what Travel Mode should be applied (i.e., Driving, Walking, or Bicycling). Thus, depending on the specified Navigate By settings, each planned route can have a different Total Travel Time and Total Travel Distance that can conflict with other optimization constraints (i.e., Max Route Duration, Max Route Distance, etc.), causing the optimization to create Unrouted Destinations that can’t be included into the optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


When optimizing routes using the Multiple Drivers Route optimization, Route4Me permits you to specify such Advanced Constraints as Volume (Cube), PiecesRevenue, and Weight constraints for each route address, allowing you to plan the most optimal number of routes accounting for the capacity of your fleet and specific routing requirements. Thus, if the Volume (Cube), Pieces, Revenue, or Weight values of all addresses exceed the Maximum Volume (Cube), Pieces, Revenue, or Weight per Route values specified in the optimization settings, this optimization will automatically include the most optimal addresses into the planned routes, leaving out the Unrouted Destinations that can’t be included into the planned routes. In the “Optimization Settings” section of the opened optimization, you can modify the Maximum Volume (Cube), Pieces, Revenue, or Weight per Route values of the given optimization that will affect all optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


After modifying any settings of the given optimization, click on the “Re-Optimize Now” button to apply the changes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


Once the new optimization settings are applied, Route4Me will automatically generate new routes based on the new optimization settings and constraints. After re-optimizing the given optimization, make sure that the optimization doesn’t generate any Unrouted Destinations. To check if the optimization has generated Unrouted Destinations, use the timeline.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses


When applying new settings to a particular optimization, all routes previously generated by this optimization are automatically deleted and replaced by the new routes that are generated by the given optimization based on the new applied settings and constraints. Thus, provided that the new optimization settings and constraints don’t have any conflicts and can include all selected addresses into the planned routes, Route4Me will automatically delete all previously generated routes (including the Unrouted Destinations) and generate new optimized routes that include all selected addresses. In this way, when you get Unrouted Destinations, you can re-adjust the settings of the corresponding optimization to include all selected addresses into your planned and optimized routes.

Unrouted Destinations - Reoptimizing Multiple Drivers Routes with Unrouted Addresses

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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.