Participants Route Summary Export – Optimization4Me

An Affiliate is a Route4Me partner who has the Route4Me Operational Assessment (OA) system integrated into their business or organization for analyzing their customers or a reseller who rebrands Route4Me’s services and offers them to end-users, as well as uses the Route4Me OA system for attracting new customers by showing them the value of optimization. Participants are the customers (companies/businesses) or end-users associated with the given Route4Me Affiliate. As an Affiliate, you can view the Report (Estimated Savings With Route4Me) of each Participant associated with your Route4Me OA Affiliate account. In the Route Summary section of the Participant’s Report, you can view how the Participant’s raw tracking data was processed by the Route4Me OA to detect and generate the Actual (Baseline)As-Isand Optimized routes. The Participant’s Actual (Baseline) data is the raw tracking data imported from the Participant’s Telematics Connection established between the given Participant and this Participant’s Telematics Vendor through the Route4Me Telematics Gateway. The As-Is and Optimized data is the Participant’s telematics tracking data that is partially or fully optimized by the Route4Me OA to show the potential Savings this Participant can get by optimizing their routes. To learn more about viewing and exporting your Participants’ Business Summary, visit this page.


To export the Route Summary of a particular Participant, as an Affiliate, first, open your Affiliate Dashboard with all Participants in your organization. To do so, go to “Dashboard” from the navigation menu at the top. To learn more about using the Affiliate Dashboard, visit this page.

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


NOTE: Next, use the calendar to filter the data of all Participants displayed on your Affiliate Dashboard by date.

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


You can use the search in the top right corner of the screen to find Participants by their attributes (i.e., associated email address, internal User ID, company name, etc.).

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


To open the Operational Assessment Report of a particular Participant from your Affiliate Dashboard, click on the folder/report icon in the “Report” column next to the corresponding Participant.

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


To adjust the Report Settings (Business and Route Summary parameters), first, go to the “Settings” tab in the top left corner of the opened Participant Report. In the Report Settings, you can define values for the following parameters:

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account

Cost per Driver per Hour (USD)The average amount of money paid to a driver per one hour (in USD).
Stop CostThe average cost of making one route stop.
Operating Cost per MileThe average operating cost per one on-road mile/one mile of driving.
Emissions (K Ton CO2 per Mile)The average amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced per one mile (K Ton CO2 per Mile).
Accidents per Million MilesThe average number of accidents per one million of on-road miles.
Cost per AccidentThe average cost per one accident (in USD).
Gallon Fuel CostThe average cost per one gallon of fuel (in USD).
Miles per GallonThe average amount of miles driven per one gallon of fuel.
Cost per Hour for Drive TimeThe average cost of one hour of driving (travel cost).
Cost per Hour for Service TimeThe average cost per one hour of service time (onsite service time).


Next, you can use the search in the Route Summary to search for routes that are associated with particular vehicles (using the corresponding vehicle aliases). After that, click on the download icon next to the route you want to download and then select the preferred download file format (XLSX or CSV) from the menu.

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


To download all routes from the Participant’s Route Summary, click on the “Export All” button in the top right corner of the Route Summary and then select the preferred download file format (XLSX or CSV) from the menu.

Participant Route Summary Export - Exporting the Route Summary of a Participant Associated with the Affiliate's OA Account


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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.