Route4Me Glossary – Last Mile Optimization Software Nomenclature

Route4Me’s Business Route Optimization Software provides multiple Web-based and Mobile route planning solutions that are user-friendly and easy to use. If you encounter any unfamiliar terms while using our services, please refer to Route4Me’s Route Planning and Logistics Glossary which provides comprehensive definitions of the most commonly used terms.

Route4Me's Glossary provides last mile route optimization software nomenclature, route planning terminology, and more.

Activity FeedContains the summary of all actions performed by users associated with a specific Route4Me account (Web and Mobile). Activity Feed can also be used for sending messages to team members when using Route4Me’s iOS and Android applications.
Actual Arrival TimeThis is the time when a driver actually arrived at the stop/address. The Actual Arrival Time is calculated based on the most accurate data available, for example when the stop was marked as visited manually by a driver or when a driver entered and triggered the geofence around the stop/address and Route4Me automatically generated the “Detected as Visited” timestamp (M/D/YYYY HH:MM).
Actual Departure TimeThis is the time when a driver actually departs from the stop/address. The Actual Departure Time is calculated based on the most accurate data available, for example when the stop was marked as departed manually by a driver or when a driver exited and triggered the geofence around the stop/address and Route4Me automatically generated the “Detected as Departed” timestamp (M/D/YYYY HH:MM).
Actual Distance From StartThe actual distance traveled from the first stop on a route.
Actual Service TimeThe actual time spent on servicing a stop.
Actual Time From StartThe actual time traveled from the first stop on a route.
Address Book MapDisplays contacts from the Route4Me Address Book as pins on a map.
Address BookThe database of contacts and addresses stored on your Route4Me account. Contacts and addresses in the Address Book can be used for planning routes and performing other route planning activities.
AddressInformation used for describing the location of a stop or destination. Normally an address should contain the following identifiers: street name and number, city, state, country, and zip code. An “Address” may also be referred to as “Stop” or “Destination.”
Address/Stop/ Destination LatitudeThe latitude coordinates (decimal form, rooftop) of an address/stop/destination.
Address/Stop/ Destination LongitudeThe longitude coordinates (decimal form, rooftop) of an address/stop/destination.
Stop TypeThe type of a stop: “Pickup,” “Delivery,” “Break,” “Meetup,” “Visit,” “Service,” “Drive By.”
Advanced ConstraintsPrecise route adjustment by maximum cubic volume, pieces count, height restrictions, maximum distance per sub-route, multiple-time time windows, restricting vehicles to specific depots, historical time on sight, with support for constraint deviations.
AliasAn internal user-defined name assigned to a route, vehicle, address or contact.
API AccessUnprecedented integration with Route4Me’s telematics platform and access to 100% of our capabilities such as route optimization, GPS tracking, track-and-trace, dispatch and more.
Automatic Route Eliminator™Route4Me’s algorithm that eliminates inefficient and unnecessary routes when processing uploaded addresses.
Avoidance ZoneA user-defined area which is automatically avoided when optimizing routes. Avoidance zones are meant to restrict drivers from entering specific areas.
Class 1-8 Truck RoutesPlanning sequenced and optimized routes along the roads that include any of the following constraints: “With a Trailer,” “Trailer Weight,” “Height,” “Weight,” “Length,” “Limited Weight,” “Permitted gross Weight,” “Weight Per Axel,” and “Hazmat Restrictions.”
Color CodingAssigning a color to a contact/address in the Address Book Map for the purpose of easier identification by color groups.
Connected VehicleA vehicle from the connected third party system which is automatically imported and re-synchronized into the account of the corresponding Route4Me user.
ContactAn entry in the Route4Me Address Book. Each contact may consist of the following fields: first name, last name, alias, address, telephone number, e-mail address, group and custom fields.
Continuous Route BalancingEnsures that your routes change as minimally as possible and remain balanced as time progresses and your customer list and schedules change.
CostThe total cost of executing an order (in US dollars).
Cross DockingThe practice of unloading materials from incoming trucks and loading these materials directly into outbound trucks with little or no storage in between.
CubeThe total cubical volume that is included into an order or loaded on a vehicle and has to be delivered/picked up from a stop. A negative “Cube” value indicates the amount of reserved space on a vehicle.
Cube OutReaching the cubical volume limit.
Custom Algorithm DevelopmentRoute4Me’s engineering team works with clients to capture their business requirements and develop any custom logistics or routing algorithm that is required specifically for a particular business.
Custom DataUser-defined data that is added to the system. Custom Data may be added to contacts, addresses, routes, etc. provided that they do not contain certain predefined fields.
Custom FieldA user-created field that contains custom data.
Customer POThe purchase order of a customer.
Dedicated Planning TerminalEnterprise subscription plan comes with a remote desktop dedicated route planning terminal to which you can connect virtually anywhere in the world.
DepartedAddress/stop that is departed by a driver and marked respectively.
DepotA storage location that serves as the starting destination of a route. For round-trip routes, it also serves as the last destination.
DestinationAn address or a stop on a route.
Detected as DepartedAn automatically created “Detected as Departed” timestamp that is generated upon departing from a geofenced area after staying in it for a predefined period of time.
Detected as VisitedAn automatically created “Detected as Visited” timestamp that is generated upon entering a geofenced area and staying in it for a predefined period of time.
Device TypeThe type of device that is used for exchanging data with the Route4Me’s servers (Android, iOS, etc.).
Dial-A-RideRoute4Me’s feature that allows blending pre-scheduled pick-up and drop-off routes with dynamic routes.
Distributed Team RoutingDistribution of planned routes among the user-defined number of drivers and vehicles.
Estimated Arrival TimeThe estimated time of arrival at a stop. The Estimated Arrival Time is based on the predefined constraints and may differ from the Actual Arrival Time which may be influenced by real-life circumstances.
Estimated Departure TimeThe estimated time of departure from a stop. The estimated departure time is computed based on the predefined constraints and may differ from Actual Departure Time which may be influenced by real-life circumstances.
FreightGoods, but not passengers, that are carried from one place to another by the system of transporting these goods.
Fuel CostThe total cost of fuel spent on completing a route.
GeocodingThe process of using the description of a location, typically a postal address, to reveal the latitude and longitude coordinates of that location. Route4Me uses geocoding to provide quick and accurate input of addresses.
Geo-FenceA virtual perimeter for a real-world geographic area.
Geo-FencingRoute4Me uses geofences to automatically detect visitations and departures from stops as well as setting geofence triggered alerts and forms.
Individual Driver RoutingPlanning one or multiple routes for a single driver.
Interactive Team CongregationHelps to improve the efficiency of your entire operation and effortlessly overcome freight-swaps due to late freight, emergency repairs, or send many drivers/vehicles to a large job or emergency.
Invoice NoAn invoice number associated with an address/stop.
Knowledge BaseThe support portal that contains manuals and tutorial on how to use Route4Me’s services.
Linear-Distance RoutingThe process of generating routes in straight lines which is performed significantly faster than usual but with slight deviations in accuracy.
Live Chat SupportOnline support via a chat with a Route4Me specialist during the subscription plan based working hours. 
Marked Arrival TimeThe timestamp that is created when a driver manually marks a stop as “Visited.”
Marked Departure TimeThe timestamp that is created when a driver manually marks a stop as “Departed.”
Mobile UserA holder of a Mobile Route4Me account, who can access the software only through the Route4Me’s Android or iOS mobile applications.
Multiple Depot RoutingThe process of planning routes from a single spreadsheet/file that includes multiple depots. Once the file with multiple depots is uploaded, Route4Me processes the data and generates one or multiple routes that start from different depots based on the predefined constraints.
NoteA commentary or reference attached to a stop/address.  Notes can contain text, images, videos, audio files, to-do actions, and signatures. 
Order NoThe order number of an address/stop. 
PiecesThe number of pieces (items) included into an order.
PriorityPriority of a stop on a route. Stops with higher priority are visited first. The values can range from 1 (highest priority) to 255 (lowest priority).
Predicted Arrival TimeWhen a driver arrives at the stop/address a little early or a little later, the Predicted Arrival Time of all remaining stops on the route will be affected. The Predicted Arrival Time constantly changes to accurately reflect when a driver will arrive at stops/addresses later on the route.
Predicted Departure Time When a driver arrives at the stop/address a little early or a little later, the Predicted Departure Time of all remaining stops on the route will be affected. The Predicted Departure Time constantly changes to accurately reflect when a driver will depart to the next stop/address on the route.
Reference NoThe reference number of an address/order.
Refresh TTLThe interval in seconds at which a 3rd party system refreshes itself and collects data.
Remaining CubeDepending on the Stop Type, Route4Me either subtracts or adds cubic volume values as the route progress and displays them as Remaining Cube. Positive Remaining Cube values indicate the occupied space on a vehicle when negative values indicate the reserved/free space on a vehicle.
Remaining PiecesDepending on the Stop Type, Route4Me either subtracts or adds pieces(items) values as the route progress and displays them as Remaining Pieces. Positive Remaining Pieces values indicate the occupied space on a vehicle when negative values indicate the reserved/free space on a vehicle.
Remaining WeightDepending on the Stop Type, Route4Me either subtracts or adds weight values as the route progresses and displays them as Remaining Weight. Positive Remaining Weight values indicate the occupied space on a vehicle when negative values indicate the reserved/free space on a vehicle.
Reserved AttributesPredefined attributes(fields) in the Route4Me’s system for which users can define values.
RevenueThe total revenue(income) received from a certain stop.
Roundtrip RouteA route that begins and ends at the same stop/destination (usually a depot). 
Route Actual Total Service TimeThe actual time that is spent on servicing a stop.
RouteA particular way or direction around a set of regular visits that are made to a number of places, especially to deliver or pick up products as part of business activity.
Route IDAn internal unique identification number of a route.
Route ManifestCustomizable transport document that serves as a tally-sheet or record, and gives a detailed summary of particular route metrics.
Route OptimizationThe process of calculating the most efficient and optimal sequence of stops on a route, based on a set of predefined constraints.
Route PrintingSelecting specific route data items using the Route Manifest and printing them on paper.
Planned Arrival TimeThis is the estimated arrival time when a driver will arrive at the stop/address. The arrival time is calculated based on the route start time, the travel time to the next stop, the wait time (if applicable) to the next stop, and the service time at each stop.
Planned Departure TimeThis is the estimated departure time when the driver will depart from the stop/address. The departure time is calculated based on the route start time, the travel time to the next stop, the wait time (if applicable) to the next stop, and the service time at each stop.
Sequence NoThe sequential number/position of a stop on a route.
Service TimeThe amount of time required to service a stop on a route (integer minutes or HH:MM:SS).
SPORHThe estimated number of stops visited per on-road hour.
Spreadsheet FileA file that contains rows and columns with route data and used for importing or exporting routing information.
Stem In TimeThe time spent on getting from a depot to the first stop on a route.
Stem Out TimeThe time spent on getting to a depot from the last stop on a route.
Street-Level RoutingUses actual driving distance to generate an optimized route.
TelematicsTelematics is the use of communications and information technology to transmit, store and receive information from telecommunications devices to remote objects over a network. Route4Me provides a vast variety of integrated telematics services and works with various telematics vendors.
Telematics VehicleA vehicle with a third party installed hardware (hardwired OBD, a black box tracking unit, or a satellite tracking unit) that is used for transmitting the routing data between systems.
Telematics VendorA third party system that can be connected to/integrated with Route4Me for providing telematics services.
TerritoryUser-defined virtual areas that are used for grouping multiple contacts or addresses from the Address Book and displaying them as territories with precise borders on a map.
Time-Based RoutingTime-based routing uses driving time, optionally with traffic, to generate optimized routes.
Time ImpactThe time impact that the earliness or tardiness of a driver has on a route (defined in minutes).
Time WindowA time interval during which a stop/address has its working hours and can be visited respectively.
TPORHThe estimated number of transactions per on-road hour.
TrackingThe surveillance of location through the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to track the location of an entity or object remotely. The technology can pinpoint longitude, latitude, ground speed, and course direction of the target.
Vehicle AliasA user-defined name assigned to a vehicle for internal use.
Vehicle GPS Tracking DataTracking data generated and captured by a telematics GPS tracking unit physically hardwired into a vehicle.
Vehicle IDA unique identification number of a vehicle.
VisitedAn address that is visited by a driver and marked respectively.
Route TimelineVisualization of an entire route in a user-friendly visual graph. Route Timeline can be used for moving stops between routes and other routing activities.
Wait TimeThe time of inactivity during which a driver does not perform any actions.
Website UserA holder of a Route4Me Website account.
WeightThe total weight loaded on a vehicle at the start of a route. When the “Weight” is displayed as a negative value, it indicates the reserved weight capacity of a vehicle.



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About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.